Another day in paradise

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Raegan and I woke up around 9:30 and ate something before we got ready for the day and went on to our next thing for the week. I wonder where we are going today. Raegan smiled at me and asked " ready to go babe?" I smiled and nodded my head and we went outside to Matt's car so he could take us to where ever we were going. I'm assuming he knew where to go because he started driving right away. Soon enough after maybe 20 minutes we where about to get to our location so Raegan put his hands over my eyes so I couldn't see and I just laughed at him. Just as Matt said we were here Raegan uncovered my eyes and kissed me then he moved so I could see and we were at freaking Universal Studio's! I looked at him and just pulled his cute face into mine and kissed him. We got out of the car and told Matt that one of us would let him know when to pick us up. We got in line to get inside of Universal Studio's and it was really hot but it was worth the wait. Once they told us we could go in I grabbed Raegan's hand and we started walking to find the Jurassic Park water ride because iv'e always wanted to go on that ride. I saw it from a distance and started running towards the line for it before it got too long. Raegan caught up to me and said out of breath "iv'e never seen you run so fast!" I laughed and kissed him on the cheek holding his hand. While we were waiting in line for the ride I suddenly realized that I had kissed Raegan in public. I knew that I had did it last night at Disney but I started to wonder what other people were thinking about us. Its almost as if... I forgot I transitioned. I must have turned more pale than I already am because Raegan squeezed my hand and asked "hey what's wrong babe?" I was pulled away from my thoughts and I just shook my head as in saying nothing. He just let it go not wanting to upset me in anyway and it was almost our turn to get in the little boat things for the ride. It was our turn to get on the ride and we got assigned to the very front row. I turned to Raegan and said "we are gonna get soaked!" He made a funny face and said "OH NO WE ARE GONNA GET SOAKED!" I laughed and the ride started moving down the water track. Iv'e seen videos of this ride on Youtube so I sort of knew what was coming up. We started going up hill and a giant dinosaur came out and me and Raegan screamed then we went down the hill so fast and like I said before the ride started we got soaked. I looked at Raegan with my wet glasses and he laughed and said "yeah you're gonna have to dry those off." I gave him a look and said "yeah no dipp!" He laughed and helped me out of the boat. We started walking to get to some other rides and then said "did you like that ride?" I looked at him and said "yeah I loved it. I knew that if I ever came here I needed to go on that ride and I finally got to do it thank to you." He blushed a little bit and said "well i'm just glad you are having fun." I looked down as we were walking and said "Raegan thank you for everything. Taking me here on vacation just everything you have done for me I don't know how I can ever make it up to you to show you how much I love you or to show you how much I appreciate you." He smiled at the ground and said " well.." He sounded like he was going to say something but he stopped himself and just said "well I love you too its my job to make you happy I am your boyfriend." He smiled at me and I smiled back. I just wonder what he was going to say. We rode some more rides and the Raegan texted Matt to tell him we were ready to be picked up. We sat on a bench and waited for Matt to come and pick us up and Raegan asked me "so what were you thinking about when we were in line for Jurassic Park? you don't have to tell me if you don't want to I was just worried." I kind of looked down but said "well I was thinking about us kissing in public and wondering what people were thinking about it and its just like.. its like I forgot I transitioned.." He had concern in his eyes and said "babe its okay it doesn't matter what people think. and with your transition if you aren't so sure about it you can go back to being a girl if that's what you want. if that's what you feel best as then you do that. but you have to know that you are kind of new to this so its going to feel weird at first and that totally normal. Just do what you feel is best for you not anyone else." He looked at me with those kind eyes and waited for me to answer. I said "I don't think I know what I want honesty but what you said made sense as to why i'm feeling. and I believe you because you have been through this so its best that I listen to you." I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine then I just put my head on his chest and hugged him so tight. I feel so safe when i'm with him like there is no one else but me and him. I said kind of softly to him "I love you so much." I could feel his heart speed up a little bit when I said that and he said "I love you more."  Soon enough Matt pulled up and Raegan picked me up and put me in the back of the car then he got in too. Matt dropped us off back at our hotel and we went up to our room and changed our clothes then got in bed. I was facing him and he turned to me. He just smiled so big and I did the same then we fell asleep.

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