Summer's Ending

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Elio and Oliver had been spending their morning at the beach where they had come with his father that summer, they had also brought Elio's mother. She was sat in her lounge chair reading, she was covered by a bright pink beach umbrella and her large white hat. Elio loved these days, she was aware of the world today. She didn't ask about his dad, they talked of his work that he was doing at the school this year. She was always amazed that he had gone into teaching.

"Sweetheart I love that you are sharing your gift with children. I would love to hear you play a concert again." She gushed.

"Well if you lived with us you could watch me play all the time."

"Sweetheart I'm would never burden you and Oliver."

"Maman you wouldn't be a burden to us we would love to have you, the boys would love it too." Elio grabbed her hand.

"No, my love I couldn't bare to leave this place, the house is where I feel closest to your father." She said fixing her hat.

"I know Momma, anytime I walk into his study it doesn't matter how much of Oliver's things are in there. It will always be papa's study. And he's the only reason I get the post, I don't like getting the paper. I read it just because he always said a man needs to know what is going on in the world, so he always has something to speak of."

Back at the house Christopher laid by the lake, sun beating down on his body. David sat on the tree limb that hung over the water watching every breath Christopher took.  He pulled out his camera taking a few pictures of Christopher basking in the sun, then turning to the lake he tried to capture the beauty of it.

"Do you think I'm being ridiculous resisting against your advances?" David asked his back still to Christopher.

"Yeah I think you are but you have your reasons no matter how ridiculous I think they are."

"If you were just a year older I would give into you in a heartbeat but you're 17. I'm not in the habit of running after 17 year olds, the youngest guy I date was 21."

"I said nothing about it being serious, just casual." Christopher yawned, David turned to look at him. He was taken aback by the sight before him, in the time that he and Christopher had been talking. Christopher had just casually taken off his swim trunks and laid naked on the blanket. His cock instantly became aware of the situation, Christopher was not erect yet. He rolled to his stomach, his ass was tan like the rest of his body. Did he sunbath, how had David never seen him do this? Christopher laid there only a few minutes before David took a photo of him, he got up looked to David and as he past him to walk into the water he shot David a sly smile.

"You going to come join me?" Christopher asked after he'd come up out of the water. David adjusted himself.

"Um you know I'm good right here." David's New York accent came out thick when he was trying to be tough and resilient.

"Alright then if you aren't going to join me in here, I'll come join you up there." Christopher walked out of the water, standing before David. The tree hung low enough that Christopher could rest his upper body on David's thigh. David took a deep breath.

"We've been good Christopher, and I've already promised you that when you turned 18 I would give in to all of my desires for you." David's eyes were closed, he couldn't see Christopher's smile.

"I know you have, but what I'm trying to get you to understand is that we have two days left. Two days left of me being legally allowed to sleep with you in the current country we are in. Why do you not want to take advantage of that? I sure as fuck want to." Christopher could see the fight going on inside of David's mind, it showed on his face. David opened his eyes to see the smile on Christopher's tan face, he looked like a Greek god. Tan skin, perfect jawline, a tone body that could keep going after David was too worn out to go on.

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