Chapter 7

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When I wake up, my arms are sore and a bright light is in my face. I groan, and the light goes away suddenly. "It's alright Dear," a voice I've heard many times says. Madam Pomfrey. "Where am I?" I ask her. "The hospital wing of course!" She replies. Sighing, I close my eyes again.
Dear Poppy kicks me out of the hospital wing a few days later. She seemed to stare at me every chance she got. I walk into the common room and everything stops. The talking, the laughing, even the breathing seems to stop.
    "Someone couldn't even kill themselves correctly," I hear. I turn around and standing behind me are the marauders. "Yeah I know. I wish I would have cut a bit deeper," I snarl. They visibly flinch at my words. "If only I had died. If only I had bled out. Trust me, I wanted to." The marauders looks surprised at my words. Suddenly, I smile.
    "Don't worry though, maybe next time I'll use my throat instead." There are audible gasps from people in the room. "What are you all looking at?" I yell. Everyone turns away except the marauders. "I hope you all had a happy Christmas." I turn around and go out the same way I came in.
    I make it to the end of the corridor before I hear my name being shouted. Sighing, I turn around to face him. He looks tired and has bags underneath his eyes. His skin is pale. It must be close to the full moon.
"What do you want Lupin?"
"Well you sent me that note. I just-"
"I wanted someone to find my body. That was all."
   I start to walk away, pretending I feel nothing for the boy behind me. He suddenly grabs my arm from behind and I cry out, feeling a burning in my arm. He immediately let's go, cursing under his breath.
    "I'm sorry Lena. I didn't think!" I turn around to face him. I ignore the fluttering in my heart as I look at his face. I ignore the urge to run my hands over his face and make him smile. I won't give in.
    "Listen Remus. Whatever little fling or friendship we had going on has stopped. You have Marlene now and I'm the same person I've always been." Something crosses Remus' face but he masks it almost immediately with a stoic look.
    "You're right. Marlene is my girlfriend and she's proud of it unlike some people. I take a step back as if he physically hit me.
    "They all looked at you like you were a freak. They looked at you like they look at me." Nothing changes on Remus' face. Nothing flickers through his eyes. As a matter of fact, he doesn't even seem to recognize me.
    "I was willing to go through it with you, but that's okay. Trust me, I won't make the same mistake again." Remus walks away, leaving me with a look of hurt and anger on my face.
If my peers were ignoring me before, they now make it seem like I really died. Nobody looks when the marauders make fun of me or beat me up. Now I don't exist. I never existed. I have no idea what I've done to inflict their wrath. Maybe it has to do with what happened all those years ago. Maybe it's karma.
    On my sixteenth birthday, December fifth, Sev takes me down to the kitchens where the house elves have made me a small cake. "Happy birthday!" He says. Smiling for the first time in forever, I hug him. The cake is chocolate with white icing, which is my favorite.
    "I know it's your birthday but Lena I have to tell you something," Sev says with a serious expression. I look at him to show him I'm listening to his words. "I was at a meeting a while ago and I found out something. The death eaters want you Lena. They're starting the hunt on your sixteenth birthday. Today."
    All the air leaves my body. I'm completely shocked. I may be hated by a lot of people, but the death eaters want to capture me? Something suddenly crosses my mind and I turn to my best friend.
    "You said the meeting was a while ago. How long have you known?" Not able to meet my gaze, Severus looks down at the ground. "About three months. Maybe more."
    I get up so quickly that my chair falls over onto the ground. Anger courses through my body. "Three months? I could've prepared! I could've done more before today!" I storm out of the kitchen before Sev can even open his mouth.
    "Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me," I sing as I sit in the astronomy tower. "Happy birthday dear Lena. Happy birthday to me." A soft chuckle comes from behind me and I turn around to see Remus Lupin. I hastily wipe the tears from my eyes. "What do you want?" I ask him.
"I wanted to make sure you weren't thinking of jumping."
"What if I was?"
"I wouldn't let you."
    I sigh before backing away from the edge a bit. "I considered it. I didn't though." Remus moves towards me a bit, as if he wants to sit next to me. "Although if you pushed me I probably wouldn't fight you."
"You wouldn't?"
"What's the point? We all die anyways."
"I would never push you Lena."
"I know Remus. I know."

(A/N) Yes, I know it is short. I'm sorry. I'm tired.

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