Chapter 9

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Remus and I start to meet in the library again. I'm wary at first because I don't want anything to happen with his friends. He deserves friends that are better than me. So in the sacred place of the library we make a pact. Remus and I can be friends but he isn't allowed to interfere with anything his friends do to me.
We've been meeting for about a month when we hear voices coming our way. I know immediately it's the other marauders. Remus curses under his breath and looks at me apologetically before taking my arm and shoving me to the ground as the marauders walk around a bookshelf.
"Ah Moony! What're you got there?" James asks. Remus points his wand at me and rolls his eyes. "Nothing much, that's for sure." The other boys laugh and I gulp nervously. James comes closer and draws his wand as well. 
    So it begins. I know Remus doesn't want it to happen. I don't blame him. I blame myself for being whatever it is I am that makes the marauders hate me so much.
They kick and punch and curse me until I'm sputtering and choking on my own blood. I'm used to it by now. The first time it happened I panicked but the taste of my own blood doesn't bother me anymore.
When they're done with their assault they all laugh at my expense before walking away. Like he always does, Remus comes back.
He uses his wand to clean up my blood and heal any bruises or wounds I've gotten this time. Once that's all done he takes my hand and pulls me up onto the couch.
"It's not fair that they do this to you Lena," he says. I shrug my shoulders. "I'm used to it by now Rem," I say in response. It's the truth. After years of this kind of treatment I just don't care anymore.
"Let me take you to Hogsmede this weekend," he says. I give him a strange look before replying. "It's not even a Hogsmede weekend," I tell him. Remus replies with a mischievous grin. "Exactly."
The following Saturday I meet Remus in the library. He's waiting for me outside the doors. It's right beside curfew so we have to hurry. I didn't dress up much. I'm wearing a pair of jeans and a pretty blouse.
Remus takes my hand and leads me through the hallways quietly. We say nothing because we're afraid Filch might hear us. We come to a statue of a witch and Remus tugs me behind it. At first I think we're hiding from Filch but he taps the statue and says something. Then it opens into a secret passage.
With a large grin Remus pulls me along into the passage. The door closes and we're left in complete darkness. Remus and I are sharing the same breaths and it's making me nervous.
Neither of us move at all. I don't want to move away from him and he doesn't move away from me. my heart feels like it's going to explode. I can't see him but I bet he's grinning. I feel his breath get closer.
I can feel Remus' warm breath fanning across my face and I think my heart is going to explode. I desperately want to close the distance between us but I don't know how he'll react.
His lips touch my forehead and a fire ignites. I want nothing more for then his mouth to touch mine. He's being sweet though so I'll let him. The kiss on my forehead lingers and when he pulls away I'm glad he can't see me blushing.
We continue on down the passageway with our wands lighted and I'm starting to wonder if it'll ever end when we come upon a door. Remus goes out first and he helps me up to wherever as are. It looks like a cellar.
We go upstairs and I'm surprised to see we're in Honeydukes. Remus unlocks the door with his wand and leads me along once more. We get to the Three Broomsticks and he pulls me inside.
"Hello Rosmerta!" Remus falls happily. An attractive young woman behind the counter bounces over to us as we sit down. "Hello Remus! Who is this?" She asks, looking at me.
"This is just my friend. We've come to get some butterbeer," he tells her. She smiles and laughs. "Of course you didn't come to talk to me. I'll be right back!"
She comes back a moment later with two mugs of butterbeer. I love butterbeer. We sip our drinks and talk about everything. I tell him about Severus and he tells me about his friends and how they pressured him into dating Marlene.
"I saw you two over Christmas," I admit to him. His face turns blood red and he scratches the back of his neck. "You did?" I nod my head in response. "I did."
    When we finish our drinks we walk around for a bit. We don't talk about things that are important. We just talk about school and essays and everything.
    About one in the morning we start back through the passageway after Remus locks up Honeydukes. He holds my hand as we continue through the passage and when we get to the end he extinguishes the light from his wand. Mine was never lit so we're in complete darkness again.
    It's the same as it was before except now Remus isn't trying to be sweet. His lips crush against mine forcefully and he presses me against the wall with his hands on my waist.
    His lips move against mine and I knot my fingers in his hair. Something in my brain is screaming at me to stop this because it won't do us any good. Then Remus growls against my mouth and I forget everything.
    Our lips move in sync and he runs his tongue against my bottom lip and I allow him in. Fire is running through my body as we snog and all I want is Remus.
    When he pulls away he rests his forearms on the wall on either side of my head. "I just had to do that," he whispers. Then he takes my hand and walks me back to the Gryffindor common room. He says he'll go in first so nobody will see us.
    When I go and lie down in my bed I run my fingers over my lips, imagining Remus' there and I can no longer deny the way he makes me feel.

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