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for a day
that's brighter than yesterday
has come now

Smile through it
for you know
it may not be the best
but it's the best you have

Smile for what you have
and I promise
so much more is coming your way

for I know
struggle to stay steady is hard
but you, my darling
are not the one to go
without a fight

for I know,
for you know
that you'll make it through
despite it being slightly dark
it's still brighter than yesterday

- to remain hopeful


Honestly, nothing sucks more than waiting for something you have no idea if it exists, if it will come while you're waiting.

But I guess that little doubt is what makes it a much more happier feeling when it actually happens.

It's like eating extra salty dish for dinner and then having dessert.

Point is, even if you have nothing and every road feels like a dead end, don't stop hoping. Even if you get too tired to walk, don't give up on the hope of finding what seems impossible.

It's hard, I won't say it isn't. But because it is hard is why you have to keep going. To make it better. To feel better. To heal yourself for all the times you got hurt in the struggle of fighting through (and having made it through).

Don't stop looking for that one tiny little happy thing that may come after everything you suffer through.

Even if it won't be too much, it'll still be enough.


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