I got home.

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Leondre's P.O.V.

I put the key in the door and walked in as Charlie was saying bye to the lads and getting our bags.

I was greeted by Lauren who was in the living room.

All her eyes were puffy but I presumed it was makeup.

"Hey babe" I said as I hugged her.

"Hey Leondre" she mumbled.

"What's wrong Lauren?" I asked.

"..Demi.." She replied and looked down.

"What's happened?" By now I was starting to get worried.

"I tried to stop it from happening, but I was too late, I'm so so sorry Leondre, I should of done more. I hit him a lot,chit that just doesn't fix it, and the fact I didn't stop it, hurts" Demi said.

Now I was getting scared.

I put my hand into my pocket and gave her a tissue.

"Please Lauren, just tell me" I said to her.

At this point I was panicking so much, so many thoughts were shouting threw my mind.

"Urm, the other night.. We went to a party. Our old friend from high school, Izzy invited us. Demi missed you so to take her mind off it we went to this party" she explained.

I nodded so she would continue explaining it.

"And, *sigh* I went to get a drink.. I should never have gone, but when I was getting a drink, I received a text message from Demi asking for help." She told me.

"What? Help? Help with what?" Now I was sitting on the edge of my seat, I was so confused.

"A..a drunk teenager.. He, he raped her.." She said as she looked down and tears streamed down her face.

Before I could say or do anything, I ran straight up the stairs, tears rushing down my face.

I got to Our bedroom door and took a deep breath.

I turned the handle and walked in. Demi was curled up in a ball under the quilt facing the other side if the room.

Her breathing was quite loud so I knew she was awake.

I walked towards the bed slowly and managed to say "d..Demi?"

She turned around and looked down straight away.

I put my hand on her chin and lifted her head.

Her eyes locked onto mine, I could see the fear, the pain, the hurt in her eyes.

Underneath her right eye was a dark black bruise.

From that monster. She had marks on her face and pink blemishes across her neck/chest.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I blinked.

I wanted to hold her in my arms, kiss her, and tell her how much I love her, but obviously she isn't comfortable, she is so brave💖💖

I didn't know what to say. I tucked my legs up into the bed but stayed in the edge, I lay on the bed facing Demi as she fell asleep.

A few hours after deeply thinking, so did I.

The fact that this had happened, and this was the time that she needed me the most and I wasn't here, killed me.

I couldn't even hug her, or hold her hand.

I just love her so much💖😫💖😫💖😫💖😫

The next update will be tomorrow I think! Love you all! Much love for the dedicated readers!💖💖💖

-Bye guys🙊💜🙊💜

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now