Girls time out, A visit to the hospital!

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Lauren's P.O.V.


We met up with Amelia and all sat on the corner sofa in Starbucks.

But first we ordered out drinks etc and sat back down.

"So, when'd the baby due babe?" Amelia asked me.

"Urm, just under two months, it's four weeks a month, so I have about 7weeks left haha, 7weeks left of sleep and freedom!" I said and we all started laughing.

"Arwh, I have something to tell you anyway, Demi knows, but that's why I wanted to meet you today's to tell you." Amelia told me as she looked directly into my eyes.

"Urm, Me, and Ollie.. Were, were having a baby. I'm pregnant." She admitted.

"What? Seriously? You are? Congratulations babe!" I said as I stood up and hugged her.

"Awrh that's really cute, Arwh I'm so happy now, I'm not the only one" I laughed as I sat back in my seat.

"Yea I know, but the thing is.. Were not the only ones either.." Amelia said as she looked around the shop.

"what do you mean?" I asked confused as I looked around.

"I don't know, it's not only us two that's preggie" Amelia said.

What? Who else is pregnant? I don't understand.

I looked eat her and she looked at Demi who was looking down at her phone in her lap.

"OMG, you?!" I shouted as I kinda jumped up outta happiness.

"Shhhh!" Demi hissed as I sat back down.

"I can't believe it omg.. This is so good ahha!" I shouted but in a whisper😂

"It's not good.." Demi mumbled.

I looked at her confused "Are you not happy about it?" I asked.

"I don't know. Urm, What.. What if the baby isn't.. Leondres?" Demi said and Amelia made a 'o' shape with her mouth.

"But, you've only done.. It, with Leondre. Haven't you?" I asked as I put my hand ontop of Demi's which was rested on the table.

Demi's P.O.V.


Fighting the tears back I looked down into my lap and stared at my black leggings so I didn't let the tears escape my eyes.

"Urgh, Leondre.. And.." I started but my voice crackled.

I looked at Amelia signalling for her to help explain.

"Lauren, when.. When He hurt her, the..*rapist*" Amelia started but mouthed the last word.

I took a deep breath as my throat cracked.

"Well, it could be him basically" Amelia said quickly and looked away making sure no one heard her.

" it could be his?" Lauren asked and her eyes went all watery.

"Oi, don't cry" I whispered as I tried to smile at her.

"I'm sorry.. I just, I didn't realise, I'm sorry.." She apologised again.

"Hey it's alright, when I first took a test.. I forgot all about it, But then it hit me it could of been his." I said and wiped my face with both my hands and my eyes went back to normal and the blurriest of the tears went.

"But listen. I.. I need to tell you both this. I, I took a test on my own. And then one with Amelia, and they both said yes so I told Leondre.. But, My period came the other day So I took another, and it said nope. So I'm REALLY Confused now, two said yes one said nope. And I don't know what this means." I said as I sat up straight and the Man in the shop turned on the lights because it was getting dark outside.

"What do you do? You go to the hospital!" Amelia said as she jumped up and put her leather jacket on.

"Come on, I've got my car, let's go" Amelia added.

"What? Now?" I asked as Lauren and Amelia were already by the door with there Starbucks cups.

"Yea, come on" Lauren replied.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and ran to the door.

We all got in the car and I called Leondre and explained everything. He said good luck and told him he loved me and that he is getting our "romantic evening" Ready.

A few minutes later we pulled up at the hospital due to the fact that it was only a few minutes away.

We walked in and Amelia explained everything at reception.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now