The beautiful birth.

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Lauren's P.O.V.


The lady took us to a private room where the lady told Charlie to help me get changed into a hospital gown as Leondre and Demi waited outside.

I lay on my back as the lady hooked me up to the gas and air. Before she placed it on my face she asked "who would you like in on the birth?"

"How many can I have?" I asked.

"No more than 3" the nurse answered.

"Charlie, Demi and Leondre" I smiled as she placed it onto my face.

Charlie's P.O.V.


As soon as she spoke I ran to the door to see Leo and Demi cuddled up on the chairs outside the door.

"Leo, Demi, she wants you in here" I said and held the door open for them to come in.

Demi jumped up and ran in to sit on the blue chair next to the bed. She held Lauren's right hand and started speaking to her.

Leo walked past me and smiled. "Your gonna be a dad soon" and smiled like a Cheshire Cat.

"I know" I smiled back. No one understands how happy I am.

I walked back over to Lauren and put my arm above her head and held her other hand. "Were gonna do this babe, your gonna be a mommy soon" I whispered in her ear.

"And your gonna be a daddy" She whispered back and I kissed her.

Demi's P.O.V.


I stood up so Leo could sit down and I sat on his lap and snuggled my face into the root of his neck.

And he wrapped his arms around my waist. I placed with the 'hem' or his t-shirt and we sat in I silence. Lauren and Charlie was having a conversations but it was all mumbled because they were talking quiet💋💋

It was silent between me and Leo but it wasn't a awkward silence💜💜💜

"Are you ready ma'am?" A nurse asked as she walked in and started placing on a pair of gloves.

"Yes, I suppose" Lauren answered and adjusted her chair and held Charlie's hand.

Lauren's P.O.V.


Ten minutes later---

Omg the pain😫😫

She's been telling me to push for the past ten minutes but I can't the pain is killing me😣😣

"Come on Lauren, You can do it, imagine Our little girls face, just imagine it" Charlie said as he kissed my forehead.

"Your Gonna have a baby in less than a hour Lauren, come on, just push, think of someone that really pisses you off and push as hard as you'd like to punch them in the face" Demi said.

I looked at her kinda confused "I'm a weird child I know but just do this and get it over with" She added.

I laughed slowly but did what they said. I pushed again but a lot harder😖😖😖

"Alright Laurwn I can see the head, two more small pushes and then one big one and this little one will be out" The nurse informed me.

At first I was kinda uncomfortable with her looking down there but then I realised that she wasn't really looking at me, just trying to help me give birth.

I did as she said and Charlie whispered in my ear "come on babe, one more big push and she will be here, our own little girl" and then I thought, it's true. One more push and me and Charlie will be parents. One more push and it will he the start of a motherhood.. One more push and.. You get it lmao!😂😂

I pushed as hard as I could and hoped that I wouldn't have to push again.

"WAAAAA! Waaaaaa!!" I heard.

"You did it!" Charlie shouted and kissed me.

"We did! We did it!" I agreed.

Demi and Leondre were both smiling like Cheshire cats at this point. "Your a fucking mum!!" Demi shouted and hugged me.

"Is she ok?" I asked the nurse who was cleaning her up.

"She's fine. The birth of Lauren Mai and Charlie-Joe Lenehan-Green, was born at 07:36am" The nurse read out and passed me my baby.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now