Thorpe park, woooo.

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Demi's P.O.V.

Firstly we went onto the water rides such as tidal wave, storm surge, lodgers leap, and Rumba rapids. We were soaking so we decided that was enough water rides😂😂😂

We then made our way to the "smaller rides" We went onto Quantum, then 'X' and finally Zodiac, yes ok I admit it. Zodiac did scare me a little..

FINALLY We made out way over to the main thrill rides. We qued up for detonator. Me and Leondre bought a photo for EVERY ride we went on that had photos available. Detonator didn't really scare me it just made my tummy go all wierd.
Then we went onto the swarm, colossus, nemesis inferno, slammer, rush, saw, and finally, Stealth.

"I'm really, really, really nervous for this one Leondre" I whispered in his ear.

"Do you not wanna go on it?" He asked.

"No I will, I'll stand in the que and sit in the chair to see if I feel safer then" I said as I grabbed his hand.

"Alright" he replied we stood in the que for only about 25 minutes so it wasn't very long. By this time it was half past 5! Already!

Everyone that was walking past as they got off the ride was saying they loved it. So it can't be that bad.

It was our turn so all four of us went and sat down in the seats. The lady strapped them in and Leondre whispered "you alright dem?" I replied with "yea I'm fine" I held his hand and the ride started going.

"You go, I go" He said and smiled.

"You go, I go" I repeated. We had said this on almost every ride. We say it quite a lot now, for numerous things.

We wS approaching the top and the carts behind us started screaming in excitement so we did too😂😂

The drop was amazing, the trill of it was.. Idek😂💞

"It was one of the best rides I've been on today, well and yesterday" Leondre said.

"Hey I was just this second thinking that haha" I said and we all started laughing.

"We don't have to meet back up with Lauren and Charlie for another ten minutes so let's go and play on the hook a duck" Blair suggested.

We all agreed and went over to it.

Blair and Tina played the hook a duck and Leondre had a go at "Chuck all 3 balls in the box without them falling out" he did it first time.

"Awrh what did you win?" I asked.

"One of these big teddys ma'am" said the man behind the counter.

"The blue one please" Leo asked.

"There you go" the man said and passed it him.

"Here you go princess" Leondre said and passed it to me.

"Awrh thankyou babes" I said and kissed him.

We all them walked over to Meet Lauren and Charlie and we all walked back to the car.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now