Start of the day..

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Lauren's P.O.V.

I crept out of the room as quietly as I could.

Hoping he didn't wake up, I couldn't speak to him yet, I wasn't prepared to hear what he had to say.

I didn't know wether he would be happy, or upset.

I managed to get out of the room, and up the stairs without waking him.

I grabbed a bucket of Blue paint, and painted our bedroom.

I then walked into one of the spare rooms, and painted that blue too.

We had done every room in the house, apart from the dressing room, and one of the spare rooms.

In our bedroom and the other spare room, we just needed to place the carpet.

An hour later I had finished painting our room, and the spare room and I realised Harvey and Sarah should be here any second now, I cleaned up and put all of the decorating products back into the basement, we didn't even know what it was, all we knew was that we had a door under the stairs.

So did Demi and Leo so they pretty much told us and then we checked it out.

At the moment out basement had no wallpaper, and wooden floor, the light didn't even work so we had to take our phones down with us so we could use the torch.

After I out them into the basement, I walked into the bathroom, washed my face and my hands and walked down the stairs to wake Charlie up.

But he was already awake.

When I was decorating I had the time to plan what I was going to say.

I walked int the living room and couldn't find him. So then I walked into the kitchen and found him pouring his cereals.

"Oh!" He jumped and dropped his spoon.

"I.. Didn't know you was here" he said.

"I was upstairs" I told him as I looked to the floor.

"Urgh..Urm.. Harvey and Sarah are on there way over" I said to break the silence.

"Ok, I'm gonna go and get ready" he said.

I nodded and walked into the kitchen and cleaned the work-surface off.

In a way, I felt sorry for him, because I landed this on him, but I was annoyed to, it's me going threw it and he hadn't really said anything.. So, he is annoying me in a way.. But obviously, I love him.

I then had a sip of orange juice, and the next thing I know, I was being sick in the toilet, Urgh, morning sickness started😔😔

Charlie took his suitcase upstairs to get ready.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth again. And tried to prevent myself from being sick again.

I walked into the living room or find Charlie,mAll dressed up fresh and clean.

"I like the rooms" he said as he smiled slightly.

I nodded and walked into the living room, I sat on one sofa and Charlie sat on the other.

A few minutes later Harvey and Sarah were here.

Charlie opened the door and let them in, after giving them a tour of the house, they returned to the living room and sat down. Harvey jumped on one sofa and Sarah the other, so Charlie sat down next to me and picked my legs/feet up and put them on his lap.

(MAJOR EDITING) I loved him since I was 12.. {Bars and Melody Fanfiction!)Where stories live. Discover now