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"Jamie, you're home." Hwayang said. Jamie furrowed her eyebrows, seeing Doyoung, Taeyong, Ten, Johnny, and Jaehyun.

"I didn't know you were coming back today." Jamie said. Yuan and Eunbi left Hwayang's side and greeted their boyfriends. The three girls had gone to get their nails done and go window shopping (bc they're broke af) since they were bored out of their mind.

"Really? I'm sorry I forgot to tell you." Hwayang said. Jamie sat down next to Ten and saw Doyoung get up and hold Hwayang's hand.

"Okay, so I called all of you here because we wanted to tell you something," Doyoung started.

"Is she pregnant?!" Ten asked, pointing at Hwayang who had her hand on her stomach.

"I wouldn't be surprised, they legit have sex every other day." Jamie mumbled making Ten and Johnny laugh.

"No, I'm not pregnant." Hwayang said, taking her hand off her stomach.

"Um, we're getting married."Hwayang added after a pause. They all gasped, surprised.

"Congratulations!(buy Congratulations by Day6 on iTunes)" Ten, Jamie, and Johnny screeched at the same time.

"And I'm moving in- tonight." Doyoung smiled. Jamie looked at Hwayang, who was trying to avoid looking at her. Hwayang's avoidance made Jamie even more saltier than she originally was.

"I guess I'll start looking for a place to stay but congratulations." Jamie said, standing up. She hugged the both of them and went to put her shoes on.

"I'll go get champagne to celebrate." Jamie said, giving Hwayang a fake smile. She went to the convenience store and got the cheap champagne her and Kun would always buy when they wanted to act like the classy bitches they were inside.

"Is that Jamison?!" Kun asked loudly, making the old lady watering her plant jump. Jamie notices and bit her lip as Kun ran towards her.

"You embarrass me so much, dude." Jamie said, as Kun squeezed her. Jamie pushed him off, wanting to continue to be salty.

"Why are you salty, Jamie?" Jungwoo asked, already sensing the saltiness.

"Doyoung is moving in so I have to move out." Jamie said, entering the apartment building.

"When is he moving in?" Kun asked.

"Tonight. I guess they got so excited about the engagement that they forgot to mention that he was going to move in." Jamie sighed.

"Then live with me, I don't have a roommate." Kun suggested. Yes, Kun lived alone which is the main reason he was always in Jungwoo and Lucas' place. He lived right across the hall from the boys with his cat.

"Deadass?" Jamie said, turning to Kun after pressing the elevator button.

"Yeah, Sushi and I have been getting lonely." Kun said as they entered the elevator.

"I love you so much." Jamie said, hugging him.

"Call if you need help packing if you wanna move in tonight." Jungwoo said. Jamie nodded and waved as they exited the elevator. Jamie went to the apartment and heard the others laughing.

"I brought the champagne." Jamie said, putting the bottle down. She was crushed in a hug by Hwayang.

"Don't be salty, I love you, bitch." Hwayang said.

"I'm not- anymore- I'm moving in with Kun, I'll visit." Jamie chuckled.

"Oh, that's cute, you always wanted a cat." Hwayang smiled.

"Yeah- now let's get to celebrating!" Jamie said.

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