Chapter 1

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Kai's POV

I ran, tears streaming down my face as snowflakes bit at my skin. I rounded the corner and started climbing the steps to the roof of the five story apartment building. I started taking my time going up the steps. I kicked snow off of them as I slowly ascended them. 


"YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT!" My father yelled as he continued to kick my bruised body. "I DON'T WANT A FAGGOT OF A SON, YOU'RE THE REASON YOUR MOTHER LEFT, AND NOW I KNOW WHY!" 

I sobbed and curled into an even tighter ball, not making a move to escape from his wrath. He eventually left me there, a sobbing bleeding mess in the basement.

-Flashback Over-

I have had enough. I got to the roof and set the bag I was carrying down. All my friends hated me. Even the one that said he would never leave. I grabbed a needle full of sleeping meds and a picture from my bag. I looked down at the picture I was holding. It was me and Jack, a white haired teen that promised me he would always be there. 

Yet when I turned ten, he had left. No trace of him. All I had was the picture I had gotten him to take with me, and a book. I choked back a sob.

"I guess even you hated me, huh Jackie." My tears fell onto the picture. I wiped them away and put the picture back in my bag. I sat down by the stairs for a moment, letting the cold wind nip at my face, I took my phone and checked my messages. 

I sent a final message to my only friend, Jacob. 

Im sorry. I can't do it. By the time you probably read this, I'll be gone.

I hit 'Send' and threw my phone in the bag. I stood up and peeked over the edge. I had secretly hoped that I would see Jack again before I did this, but it had been 6 years, and he hadn't shown up. Not once. Even back when I was 8 or 9, I was mentally unstable. 

I believed that everybody wanted me dead. I wasn't sure why. But I did. All but Jack. He had given me a book called 'Rise Of The Guardians' when I was old enough to read. I pulled the book out of my bag and hugged it to my chest. 

I shoved the needle in my arm and injected the meds into my veins. I clutched the book as I fell backwards, rushing through the air. The meds made me fall asleep before I hit the ground, and I drifted off into a blissful silent abyss or darkness.


Hope ya'll enjoyed. I know its short but its a start. And a sad one at that. DM me any stories you want done, they can be x-reader or with an OC you give me. Adios Amigos and Amigas

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