Chapter 2

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Kai's POV

I woke up in a strange room. I shot up from the bed I was in, confused. Why am I still alive? 

I looked around at the foreign room. It was a dark and light blue room with snow related things everywhere. Snowflakes on the walls, snowflake pillows and blankets, and it was also a little chilly. I laid back down and buried my face in the pillows. 

Why does this room smell familiar? I heard the doorknob jingle and I shut my eyes just enough to look like the were shut. I saw a boy with white hair walk in and- WAIT white hair?? I shot up again and stared. "Y-you! I-i know you!" He gave me a sad smile. "Hey Kai. Long time no see." I stormed up to him, our chests almost touching. 

"NO SEE?! NO SEE?! YOU LEFT ME WHEN I TURNED 10 WITH A BOOK AND NO NOTE! I'VE WAITED SIX YEARS AND YOU JUST NOW SHOW UP? WHEN I TRIED TO KILL MYSELF?" My voice was cracking and I was crying by the time I was done. I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed into his chest, just like I used to do when I was a kid. "Why Jack, why?"

He hugged me back and ran his fingers through my hair. He slowly walked us over to the bed and sat down, bringing me with him. He sat on the edge up the bed and I straddled him, still crying into his chest. He rubbed circles on my back and spoke soothing words to try and calm me down.

By the time I was done, he had just flopped down onto the bed and now I was laying on top of him. I lifted the bottom of his hoodie and crawled under with my back to his torso, sticking my arms through the sleeves alongside his arms, and laid my head on his chest. 

Neither of us said anything, just sitting there, enjoying each others company. He laid on his side and slipped his arms inside the hoodie, wrapping them around my stomach. I was blushing furiously as he kissed the top of my head and flicked the light off. 

A few moments later I heard him snore. I poked his arm to be sure he was asleep. When I was sure, I pulled my arms into the hoodie and turned around, I grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and set my head down on his upper arm, blushing as I felt him shift and the muscle move. I slowly let his heartbeat lull me to sleep.

~~Time Skip~~

I was woken by soft knocking on the door. Then it creaked open. I heard a voice with an Australian accent talking to Jack.

"Hey mate, he gonna be aright'?" I felt jack wrap his arms more securely around me. "Yeah, I think so. He's going to want an explanation though." I heard footsteps creep closer to the bed. "Can I see 'Im?" I felt Jack remove and arm and a second later, light showed through the neck hole of the hoodie. 

I nuzzled my face further into Jacks chest. "Awwwww, 'es so shy." I felt a poke to belly. I swatted the hand away and I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled. I blushed and didn't move my head. 

"Alright you seen him, now shoo, I ain't sharing." I heard jack say this and I pretty much went up in flames. I wasn't sure if he meant it in a jealous way or not but it was turning me red as a tomato! I felt his arms wrap back around me. I heard the footsteps walk away and the door shut behind them.

"I know your awake." I tensed. I wrapped my arms around his chest shaking my head 'no'. He chuckled. I felt his hand go under my shirt and set on my back. I gasped and buried my head into his chest. 

"Cold?" I nodded without removing my face. He then proceeded to feel my ribs. "Why are you so thin?" I stayed silent. "Kai, don't make me remove you." I started tearing up and my body began shaking. 

"Woah woah woah, hey now, calm down mon amour. If its that sensitive don't answer." I could hear the sadness in his voice. He looked down his hoodie. I peeked up at him confused. "W-what does mon amour mean?" He smiled.

"You will find that out later ma douce." I grumbled and cuddled back into his chest.  "Tu ne sais pas combien je t'aime." he whispered. I glared up at him. "Stop talking in other languages please." He chuckled.

"You don't want me to sweetheart." I huffed. He slid down a bit so his head was right infront of me. I felt my face heat up yet again. He gave me a sly smirk. He moved his face right beside mine and I felt his lips brush my ear. 

"Believe me, you don't want to know because if you did, you'd probably hate me for a while." With that, he slipped completely out of the hoodie and left, letting a slip of paper fall to the floor behind him. 



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