*Chapter Twenty-Six*

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*Chapter Twenty-Six*

“Avary, tell me something about Adrian.”

The Prince scowled. “That’s like the fifth time you asked me this same question. No, I don’t care about him enough to know that much about him.”

“But you’re his brother! You should know at least something!”

By this time, Avary had completely given up on the rather attractive demon next to him. It was a shame, really, but a feat he knew he had to do. He had placed her into his ‘hopeless’ list, a list in which all the overly obsessive and annoying female population went into. In simpler words, females in that list no longer deemed themselves worthy to be flirted by him.

“No, demon, I will say this again.” Merely conversing with her seemed to drain all energy away from him. He sighed, cursing himself for letting the only girl worth going after leave with Adrian. “I don’t know anything about him.”

“But I -”

“Just shut up.”

The demon pouted and sulked, her dark brown hair bouncing up and down with each step she took. They’d wasted a good few hours roaming around. Avary could have sworn he sensed the presence of something around here, but he couldn’t locate it even though he tried his best to be vigilant. Then again, he was never the observant type – a fact he’d been jeered at countless times by a quite frustrating sibling who strongly thinks she’s perfect.

The only peculiar thing about this area was the annoying scent of burnt meat, which most probably was the consequence of amateurs burning their food up. He groaned. He was supposed to be planning not dwelling on matters that had absolutely nothing to do with him. Now that Aurora was after the objects as well, he had to go with plan B.


He continued to muse, not even bothering looking up at where the other demon was pointing. This certainly was not good. Plan B would waste too much time, and he was not one for thinking. He preferred action over –



A ring of red popped out, circling his blue eyes. The girl cringed and took a step back. Avary, extremely irritated, glanced up. The exasperation vanished instantaneously, and his eyes almost popped out.

A horde of burnt corpses lay on the ground, marring an otherwise picturesque scene. Cadence scrunched up her nose, both from the repugnant odor and nasty sight. Their flesh was burnt black. It was impossible to make out of them, but from the vague shape of their human-like torso linked to the body of a horse, it was clear they were centaurs.

While Cadence seemed completely aghast at the display of cruel slaughter, Avary’s eyes lit up with triumph. He laughed boisterously, his laugh startling the birds residing on various trees around them. Cadence snapped around to him, her look clearly doubting his sanity.


Cadence scrutinized him as he walked to the pile of corpses. She saw him bend slightly to pick something equally black off the ground. As if the object had stunned him with a high voltage, he quickly dropped it. His lips pulled back into a snarl, and he reached for it once again.

Cadence had enough. She quickly approached him, holding her breath so to not inhale the revolting scent.

“What are you doing? That belongs to the centaur, doesn’t it?”

“No,” he replied, his voice close to a possessive hiss than mere words, “it’s mine now.”


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