*Chapter Thirty-Seven*

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*Chapter Thirty-Seven*

The beam of light dimmed, and the night returned to its normal state. His skin was scorched, and he looked to be unconscious. Something that was once so sinister and evil now lay innocuously on the ground. Was it dead? Aurora hoped so.

Something then dawned on her.

It was over. She was alive, and it was dead. Instead of glee, all she felt was exhaustion. She was completely drained. It was only then she realized how long her life had been.

“Thank you.”

Her savior, now upon a closer inspection, looked just as ethereal as the unconscious creature though she did not emanate that awful dreadful aura. Quite the contrary, she gave out a warm glow. It was only when Aurora saw the withered plants slowly recovering then she realized the being perhaps possessed the exact opposite ability as the now hopefully dead creature. The woman shook her head gently. Her eyes were milky white, and if Aurora did not know better, she would think the goddess-like woman were blind.

“It wasn’t me who saved you. I’m not strong enough to kill him, for we’re on the same level. I merely conveyed what I saw and felt to someone far above my level. He got the punishment he deserved though he will never truly die. It’s the existence of both of us that keeps this world balanced.”

Aurora nodded briefly. At this point, nothing sounded strange to her anymore. If a giant rock were to fall from the sky and talk to her, she would barely spare it a look. The scythe suddenly weighted a whole lot more than she thought it would.

“If you will, Aurora, do free the seven sins. They need to be replaced quickly. I won’t allow poor souls to handle such important positions unwillingly. I’ll need to do something about their counterparts,” she mumbled under her breath.


“Never mind, just free them. I will take care of the rest.”

Aurora cleared her throat. “Is it p-possible for them to be just demons from now on? You can take the sins from them and -”

“No, for example,” she said, her gaze flickering to Adrian who stood behind her. “Wrath, the sin, is incorporated into Adrian’s soul.”

Aurora felt a hand placed gently on her shoulder. There was a lump at the back of her throat, and she blinked quickly. She shook her head, more at herself than anyone else. The woman smiled at her. Her warm soothing aura was most likely trying to calm her.

“Can you tell what the scythe does?”

“Break the link of a soul from a body. The only way to truly be the scythe’s master without being controlled by the scythe is to overpower its owner.” The words flowed out of her lips like they were recited. “Can you tell me your name?”

The goddess-like woman chuckled softly and shook her head. “I’d love to, but I do not have one. You only have until midnight. After that, they will ‘die’ much more horrible than by your scythe.”

“Aurora, do it.” She snapped her head at the voice. Vicky rested her arm on her raised knee, sitting casually on the floor as if they were not talking about ending her life. More people were waking up. Her reddish-brown ponytail swayed slightly in the breeze. “Trust me when I say you’ll do some of us a favor.”

Never had Aurora seen such an amount of determination. Vicky truly believed in what she said. She held Aurora’s gaze. The edge of her lips twitched, and the smile slipped from her visage. Aurora could tell—she really could—that the following few words were said from the bottom of the demon’s heart.

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