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HI, I AM WITTYCRAZE, the anchor/creator/interviewer of Booklovers' Talk(Author Interviews). Since a lot of you loved the interviews I did with your favourite authors.

I have decided to take it to the next level,and give you more interviews, more craziness an extra doze of fun, wit and a chance of knowing your favourite writers better without turning into stalkers. So, you just layback and relax while We do the stalking for you, lol. OH MY GOD!!! I AM SO EXCITED TO INTRODUCE THEM ALL TO YOU. Hope you know who I am talking about? Duh- my elite team of interviewers,blighted,editors and consultants. * raises her eyebrow* READY To MEET Them ?? Dumb question, obviously you are. Now, come on, we are getting late* They are in there * points to a huge multiplex building with BLT written in huge bold letters.* So, are you coming or what ?

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