Hey, Assalamu Alaikum! :)
I am...well, if you've interacted with me on a personal level (is that the right term to use here?), then you probably already know my name. If not, then I feel sorry for you, tbh >.> Nah, I'm jk, lol. You can call me whatever you want – preferably, just call me by my username or, like, something nice, Idk – but, if that's a pain, then I will let you know that I've unofficially landed myself with two nicknames so far:
> Rammy (correct me if I'm wrong, but it's pronounced like the words 'ram' and 'me' put together), so graciously bequeathed to me by the delightful -cough- can-I-squish-your-face-and-pinch-your-cheeks -cough- Yasmeena (@modestmuslimah) >.>
> Rummer (rhymes with 'bummer' looooool, sorry, not the best comparison but, oh well) so elegantly bestowed to me by the wonderful @HopesPrayersNSmiles ;*
Well, I'm the vice president (...what does the even mean? *rubs hands together* I get to boss people around, yes! >.> jk, no) and part of the editor team at Booklovers_Talk. I don't even understand how I got dragged into being an editor when editing is something I really dislike. #It'sAllFarah'sFault
Honestly, though, is there someone out there who actually likes editing? (#GenuineQuestion) I don't like re-reading things over and over again because I end up memorizing bits and pieces, and I start going cross-eyed, and my vision starts to blur...but that's what you have to do to edit work.
Then again, I would rather have something decent – and when I mean decent, I mean something that has been proofread countless times to the point where there are minimal errors (even with all the editing, you're probably going to end up missing out on something ) – published rather than a rough draft, nahmean?
Anyway, like I was saying…I don't understand how people can re-read the same book. I cannot do that. Even books that I absolutely love, I can't read them more than once...unless I'm, like, reading it after two years or something. That's something different.
Right, so, what else am I supposed to say? I’m 19…which I still find quite unbelievable because I hadn’t even gotten used to being 18 yet ;_; (I’ve found that there’s actually a term for ‘early mid-life crisis’: ‘quarter-life crisis’. And, yes, it’s apparently a real thing >.>) I’m just horrified by how fast time is flying by, y’know? May Allah grant us the tawfeeq to use our time and youth productively.
Anyway, I love food, and flowers, and cats – although my mom’s not fond of them so we don’t have a cat *sobs* – and I can’t choose between coffee or tea because both are equally good – although I’d take iced cappuccino over most things, any day – and I think it goes without saying that I like reading and writing.
I’m the kind of person you would find sitting quietly in the back corner of the classroom – or in the back near a window; I love sitting near windows – hoping that the teacher doesn’t pick on me but #PlotTwist I’m actually paying attention to what’s happening around me #SorryToDisappoint #IAmNotABadBoy #Smirk >.> I find it incredibly difficulty trying to initiate a conversation or do any kind of small talk ;_; #Sorry #It’sNotYouIt’sMe and it takes me a while to open up to people. But, I don’t bite, really; I’m nice >.> …I think.
I like puns, and I like jokes…especially bad jokes that aren’t really funny; it’s so funny how un-funny they are (borderline fail, really) that they make me laugh more than good jokes. (An example of a terrible joke is…well, it’s not really a joke, but one time, I saw a picture of a girl on the internet named January; her nickname was February. I just found that hilarious. It took me at least two days to calm down about it. Needless to say, my friends just found it annoying >.> #PartyPoopers)
…I don’t really know where I’m even going with this anymore. I’m just going to end it here.
I’ve noticed the others have posted summaries of their works. It just so happens that I have horrible summarizing skills (as you can probably tell, I tend to write a lot) and might end up rewriting the entire book >.> Also, I don’t want any of you thinking that my book is cliché (it isn’t…I hope) and I would appreciate it if you gave it a chance. So, go ahead and check out my book – Boys? Ew – read, vote, comment, message me your feedback…and maybe we’ll be able to bring down KittyCracker’s book from spiritual #1 euheuhuheuheuheuh…oops >.> Heh. Let’s hope she doesn’t see that :P
(Jk, lool, her book is awesome ;* …Idk why I’m promoting her book -.- This is my space. Whatever.)
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