Chapter One

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It all started right out of high school. I meant him at a party and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was utterly perfect. He had all the girls crowded around him, hanging on his every word. I guess that's why I was surprised when our eyes meant and his kept landing on mine all night.

I didn't think anything of it at first, until he pushed away from the wall and started walking my way. My heart immediately started doing flips in my chest and my mouth went dry. He stopped in front of me and introduced himself. We talked and danced all night, our attention only on each other.
Around midnight, the party started dwindling down. We stayed as long as they would let us. About one o'clock, he offered to drive me home.

I eagerly agreed, saying a hasty goodbye to my friends and grabbed the hand he offered. We drove from the hotel on the strip to a very posh side of Vegas, the rich side.

"It's that one." I told Ronnie pointing to an elegant white house. He looked at me and smirked, before driving up the long driveway. The car came to a stop and we sat there, looking at each other. "Do you want to come in?" I knew what I was offering and he didn't hesitate. He kissed me before climbing out of his car and walking with me to the house.

"How much time do we have?" I smiled as he reached his arms around my waist.

"All night. My father won't be home till tomorrow." He was surprised and shocked when I told him I had never done this before, but that didn't stop him. It was everything I wanted it to be. He was slow and caring, gentle even.
When we were done, he gave me his number and told me to call him if I needed anything. I knew what he meant, we hadn't been very smart, we didn't use anything.

I was getting ready to go to a very prestigious dance school in New York. I had been accepted a year ago, but had to wait till I was eighteen to go because my father wouldn't allow me to go sooner. He didn't even know I was planning on going without his consent. He told me already if I went, he would cut me off. He didn't approve of me dancing as a career. He always associated it with something dirty. It scared me to death, but I had to get out.

A month before I was supposed to leave, I found out I was pregnant. I couldn't believe it, it had only been one time and my life was over. Here I was, eighteen and pregnant, with a man's baby I didn't even know. My father would have a field day when he found out.

I packed my bags and threw them in the trunk, having already called Ronnie and asking him to meet me. He eagerly agreed, not knowing what I needed to tell him. I drove to him, picking him up and driving to an open field, parking and fidgeting with my fingers, afriad to tell him.

"Cassie? Everything alright?" He took my hand and held it, knowing something was wrong. I shook my head as the tears fell and his eyes widened. He knew instantly why I was there. "You're pregnant, aren't you?" I nodded as his grip on my hand tightened.

"How did you know?" He smiled sadly and looked at me.

"I've been waiting for you to call. I knew you didn't want to see me again when you didn't. So, I figured that's why you were here."

"I did want to see you, Ronnie. I didn't think you wanted to see me." We both smiled.

"What is it you want to do, Cassie?"

"I can't get rid of it, Ronnie. Whether you're there it not, I can't do that."

"I wasn't asking you to, beautiful. I just wanted to see what you wanted. I'll be there, Cassie. I promise." He pulled me close and kissed my head. "What's your dad going to say?"

"He's going to kill me. I left, I packed my bags and left. I can't go back there."

"Alright. You'll come home with me, we'll explain everything to my dad and you'll stay with me."

And I did. His dad wasn't very happy with either of us. Told Ronnie the right thing to do was to marry me, so the baby wouldn't be born out of wedlock. We spent every moment together, fell madly in love and got married when I was three months pregnant.

His band was taking off and we were so happy together for the short time we were together.

I was six months pregagnt and Ronnie was on tour, his dad was out of town, and I was by myself. Everything had been going so good with the baby, there was no reason to think anything bad would happen.

I went to bed early that night, only to be woken up in the middle of the night by the most agonizing pain I had ever been in. I turned on the bedside lamp and threw the covers off. I screamed as I saw the blood soaking the sheets. I called an ambulance and tried to call Ronnie, but he didn't answer.

I was taken to the hospital and told I suffered a late term miscarriage. I was devasted. Someone called my father and I begged and pleaded with him to get Ronnie. I knew everything would be alright if he was home with me.

My father promised me he would, told me he would take care of everything, but Ronnie never showed up, never called. I was never more heartbroken than I was at that moment, ever in my life.

I never went back to our house. My father sent someone to get my things and bring them home. I spent months locked in my room, still waiting for Ronnie to come for me.

I had been so in love with him and I thought he was with me. Turns out, I was wrong.

I pulled myself together and decided to file for divorce. Father wanted to do it quickly and quietly, he said he would deal with all of it. I didn't give it another thought as I picked up the pieces of my life and moved on.

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