Melody: The First Day

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Melody: The First Day

"Melody, get up! It's time for school!"

Mom pulled the covers off my bed as she hummed a soft morning tune. I got out of bed, brushed my hair, changed into my clothes, and brushed my teeth. I ate my breakfast, and rushed out the door to get to my bus stop.

It seemed as if everybody wanted to get a seat next to me. They were all smiling and waving. I had decided to sit down next to my friend, Genevieve. She was a nice girl with long, straight, blonde hair.

As we got off the bus, I could see all the teachers smiling, ready for the first day of school. Looking at my schedule, I had noticed Mrs. Braveheart was my homeroom teacher for the year, room 1405. I was really short, and finding my way to class wasn't as easy, but somehow I had managed to. It turns out me and Genevieve had the same homeroom class, so I talked to her. I had noticed this girl who sat near us. She had dark red, shoulder-length hair, and was wearing a cute pair of tennis shoes. She seemed nice, and I wanted to introduce myself, but the teacher began to speak.

"Hello, class, I'm Mrs. Braveheart, and welcome to middle school! I will be your homeroom teacher for your sixth grade year. I hope you enjoy my class!"

Mrs. Braveheart was a little old, but she was really nice. She had gray, curly hair, and wore red lipstick. She also had little round glasses she wore at the end of her nose.

"Now first, we will discuss the rules. Number one, no talking while another person is talking, number two, no gum or cell phones, and number three, respect each other!"

Second period was pretty cool, my teacher had short, brown hair, with squared glasses. She was wearing a lab coat, because it was science class. She went over the rules, and introduced herself.

"I'm Mrs. Willborne! Welcome to science class! Everybody please put on your goggles and lab coats as we begin our first experiment! Yes, it's a little early to be doing experiments, but hey, this is science class! Let's have a little fun!"

Third period was math class. Mr. Devizar. He was a young, cute-ish guy, with brown hair. He was really funny, and weird. His sarcasm was pretty hilarious, though. So, as time passed, it was lunch time.

Now this part of my day was pretty interesting...

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