Melody: Lunchtime

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It seemed like a normal lunch until the disaster happened. Brooke, Heather, Kate, Beatrice, and I were going to our table, and they started gossiping about a girl in my homeroom. I didn't like it at all, it was cruel and deceitful. I just ignored them and ate my lunch quietly.

I felt like I wanted to go sit next to her, she was all alone, sitting at a table far from the cafeteria, in a little corner. I felt guilty sitting with these girls, but once you're in a group, there's really no going back.

The lunch monitors had dismissed us from our tables to go get our lunch. We bought our lunch, and as we exited the line, Brooke went over and tripped the girl sitting all alone. I was so mad at her, but I just didn't feel like showing it. I didn't know what was up with her lately. She's been acting really snobby and rude.

I went over to the girl and helped clean her up. I gave her a napkin as I introduced myself. "Just ignore them. I don't even know why I even thought of sitting with those jerks. Oh, and by the way, my name's Melody. My name is kinda funny, because I like to sing a lot! What's your name?"

The girl looked up at me in fear. I guess she was shy. She soon went ahead and introduced herself. "I'm Layla. And your name is really pretty. My name isn't that cool, though. Why do you think those girls, Brooke and Kate, are out to get me?"

I really had no idea why.

"I don't really know. The girls that were sitting next to me, Heather and Beatrice, were talking about you behind your back. 'Oh, her hair though, it's so UGLY!' 'What's up with her outfit?' All the usual trash talk. I personally love your style, hair, outfit, and all. They just will hate on the first person they see that is a bit different than them, I guess."

She looked at me and smiled. I could tell I was making a new friend already.

"Thanks! And yeah, I agree. I think I recognize you from my homeroom. And don't you ride my bus, too?" she said. I really liked Layla, she was kind, and I felt comfortable talking to her.

"Oh yeah. Do you wanna sit with me on the bus tomorrow?" I asked her.

"That'd be great!" she replied.

The bell rang, and I walked back to Brooke and all the other girls.

"What were you and that loser talking about? Were you telling her how ugly she is?" Brooke had said. All the girls giggled.

"Brooke stop." I began. "You were making fun of somebody you barely even knew. She almost cried. It's the first day and you've already ruined somebody's lunch. Are you seriously happy? You're not being funny! You're acting like a complete snob!"

I walked away in complete furiousness. I have to say, I was pretty proud of myself for the way I stood up to Brooke. I could tell by the corner of my eye she was in complete shock. She glared at me and the girls stormed off.

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