Chapter 2: The Letter

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I do hope you all liked the last chapter. No wasting the story...
Chapter 2
The Letter

"You're kidding." Ron said, being the first to react.

"I wish I was." Allura replied.

Harry lunged forward and snatched the letter to examine it himself.

"Bullshit!" He said, keeping it down.

"Just because we stopped swearing at and hexing each other after the battle, they think we are compatible?" Allura said. "The ministry's home to dogs! Again!"

"I never agreed with this thing of being friendly to Malfoy anyways." Ron declared.

"It won't be that bad." Luna said.

"It won't be that bad!" Allura exclaimed. "I've ignored the prat's existence for the past 3 years!"

"I wasn't signing up for this, defeating Voldemort and all!" Allura protested. "If anyone deserves to live a happy, peaceful, unmarried life, it's me!"

"You're Not reproducing with the ferret!" Ginny announced.

"Of course not!" Allura agreed sickly. "I have no interest in having his kits."

"She's lost it!" Fred said, wide eyed. "She can't even pronounce words right."

"Actually, kits is what small ferret babies are called." Hermione informed weakly.

"Not the right time." Harry said, green in face.

"We can always talk to the ministry about this, dear." Molly Weasley said, speaking for the first time.

"The law forbids it." Ginny intervened, waving the Daily Prophet.

"Well, I need to be alone." Allura said, standing up and apparated to the Grimmauld Place.

"Hello Kreacher, make me a chocolate pie, will you?" She asked the elf as soon as she spotted him.

She went up to the library where she spend the next few hours, just up until she received a letter from the last person she wanted to be reminded of.

Knowing that there was no point in ignoring the letter, she broke the Malfoy seal and opened the envelope.

Dear Allura Potter,
This is Narcissa Malfoy writing in the stead of Draco Malfoy. I'm sure you too have received a letter from the ministry informing you that you have been paired with my son.
I would like to request you to meet Draco at the Leaky Cauldron at 5pm today in order to discuss the upcoming wedding.
I myself shall join you, if a little late. Please send a reply with the owl.
Best Wishes,
Lady Narcissa Malfoy
Senior Executive, Junior Board of Directors, Malfoy Industries.
Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter. I know it is quite short but they will get longer and soon. Do vote, comment, follow and share.

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