Chapter 5: The Wedding Morn

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Hey guys! Yes...This is straight to the wedding. That wedding ceremony and reception are split into three chapters. This is the first i.e the wedding mourning next is the ceremony and then the reception.
Please note that the timeline for the story is well calculated and the wedding date is 25th June, Friday.
Chapter 5
The Wedding Morn

It was the morning of her wedding and Allura was getting dressed at the Malfoy Manor. The interior looked nothing like it did back before the war, which Allura was grateful for.

Allura looked at her reflection as she waited for Sirius and Remus, both of whom were going to walk her down the aisle. For most of her teenage years, she had never once imagined getting married since the possibility of that happening had never looked high.

Yet, hear she was, about to get married at 20 to a guy she barely tolerated and knew next to nothing about. And the fact that he insisted on calling her Chardonnay irritated her to no end.

Fate does know how to screw people over, Allura decided.

She had been horrified when she learnt that her and Draco would be going on a honeymoon. When she was told that it will be after her brother's wedding, she had been relieved and both offended and relieved when Draco said they won't be doing much when they travelled.

As she stood in front of the mirror, she realised that no matter how she hated it, she had bridal jitters. No matter how much she disliked the man she was marrying, she hated the idea of living a loveless life. And no matter how against she was of her own marriage, she hoped that by some miracle, she and Draco would at least get along a little because after the life she had, she wanted nothing more than happiness, for once.

She knew that the vows she would be speaking were traditional Malfoy vows and they magically bound her to her husband for as long as she lived.

"We're witches and wizards, Chardonnay. We live in a world where we can fix things muggles will believe to be broken beyond repair. That stands for relationships too." Her mother in law to be had told her.

She had talked to Narcissa Malfoy a number of times in the last few days and had discovered that the lady was quite pleasant. And she couldn't argue that the Manor was quite a lovely place once you get over its size. While she hadn't talked to him much, Lucius Malfoy wasn't as bad as she earlier thought him to be. Maybe it was the aftermath of the war or maybe he simply didn't want to be fighting all day long. Draco Malfoy, however, was almost never at home and she had barely spoken to him at all. He avoided her like plague which, to be fair, was a mutual action.

A knock on the door brought Allura back to reality. And she took a deep breath before taking one last look at Allura Potter knowing that the next time she will look at the mirror, it will be Chardonnay Allura Malfoy looking back at her.

"Come in." She yelled to who she knew were Sirius and Remus.

"Are you ready?" Remus asked her, his voice slightly shaking.

"Just about as much as you and Sirius." Allura replied.

"You had too little time to truly be a kid, you know." Sirius said reminding her of Headmaster Dumbledore's words.

"Not very long ago, you had the burden of the entire wizarding world on your shoulders, my girl. I'm not sure whether it's the right time to put the burden of a new life and family on you just yet." He had told her. Having been one of the people who voted against the passing of the law, he was not very happy that the law had been put into effect hastily after only two government sessions concerning it.

"Let's go, shall we?" Allura asked, taking in and releasing a deep breath.
Right, how many of you found it boring? The next chapter's the wedding and it has beautiful pictures so, I hope you all will like that one.
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