Chapter 1: The Law

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Chapter 1
The Law

The Potter twins were once again at the Weasley house along with Hermione Granger.

"Have you seen this?"Hermione asked, showing her friend the newspaper.

"The marriage law..." Allura read out loud. "Okay, this is nonsense. I thought it was a stupid rumour."

"They are actually doing it? It's rubbish." Harry said.

"It is, isn't it?" Hermione asked. "Absolutely dreadful."

Allura nodded her agreement, skimming through the article.

"Wa ish i?" Ron asked, speaking with his mouth full of bacon.

Allura, used to this habit, gave him a disgusted look before straightening the newspaper and reading out loud. "Due to the wiping out of a good amount of wizarding population, all wizards and witches of the age of marriage, are being paired with others based on compatibility. The ministry officials refuse to speak to the Daily Prophet reporters. However, it was announced that all eligible witches and wizards will receive letters concerning the matter before sundown on 14th June."

"Thats today." Allura said.

"Honestly, What is this? The eighteenth century?" Ginny asked sarcastically.

"Well, if doesn't really matter if they are making compatible couples." Fred said entering the kitchen with George. "Does it, Lura?" He asked, kissing his girlfriend."

Harry groaned. "Not in front of me!" He protested.

"They sure work fast." Ron said, reentering the kitchen with letters in his hand.

The friends exchanged looks of disgust taking their respective letters.

"We open together?" Hermione asked.

"One by one." Harry and Allura said together, wanting to delay it as much as they could.

Just then Mrs. Weasley entered the room with Bill and Fleur.

"This is preposterous!" She said after reading the article. "They have gone crazy, they have!"

"I'll open mine first." Ginny said ripping her letter open, wanting to get it over with. A few seconds later, a smile spread across her face. "I've got Harry." She said, pleased with the pairing.

Harry grinned and tore his own letter open. "Ginny." He said, waving his  letter for everyone to see. "We need to get married by 1st September."

"Thats lovely, dears." Mrs. Weasley said.

"I'll go next." Hermione said, opening hers carefully. "Ronald." She said happily after reading her letter. "We have until 15th August."

Ron swallowed his food. "Brilliant." He said, pleased to paired with his girlfriend.

"Ah, we've got two weddings to plan!" Mrs. Weasley said, happily.

"Uh, 4 weddings." George said, waving his letter as he opened it and motioning to Fred who was opening his own.

Fred read his letter and Froze.

"I've got Angelina Johnson." George said waving his letter. "We get married by 1st of September."

Harry grinned. "Nice."

"What is it?" Allura asked Fred, drawing attention to him.

"Who have you got?" Hermione asked, knowing that it's not Allura. Not with this reaction.

"Ah-I- I've got Katie Bell." He said, looking at Allura. "3 August."

"What?" She said. "It must be a mistake." She read his letter and felt her heart drop. It clearly wasn't. (A mistake)

"Who did you get?" Harry asked.

Allura opened her letter with shaking hands. She her heart sank as she read the letter with disbelief.

"Okay, I don't know what happened. But this...this is clearly a mistake." She said. "It-it has to be. Th-They aren't serious. Not about this."

"Who is it, Lura?" Hermione asked as Harry looked at his twin worriedly.

"Did you all get letters too?" Neville asked as he entered with Luna.

"We did." Harry said, not looking away from Allura who was still staring at her letter.

"Who did you guys get?" Hermione asked politely as she worriedly glanced at Allura.

"I got Hannah Abbott." Neville said. "1 July."

"I got a Rolf Scamander." Luna said. "5 July."

"Okay, what happened to Allura?" Neville.

"Something to do with who she is paired with." Hermione said.

"Honestly Allie, who is it?" Harry asked.

She sighed as she kept the letter on the table. "25th June. Draco Malfoy." She announced.
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