Chapter 4: Filler I

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Hey guys! I hope you're all liking the story so far. Thanks for all the views. I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint.
Chapter 4
Filler I

"Where have you been?" Remus Lupin asked his goddaughter as soon as she entered the living room.

"Harry told us you left this morning and didn't come back or tell where you were." Sirius told his goddaughter.

"I went to Grimmauld Place for a bit." Allura explained. "And then I went to meet Draco and Narcissa Malfoy."

"Why would you do that?" Sirius asked.

Allura glanced at Harry whose expression answered her unasked question. He hadn't told Sirius and Remus.

"Draco Malfoy is my match in this marriage law thing." Allura said quietly, but not quietly enough for werewolf ears.

"Is this a prank?" Remus asked.

"Can I know what everyone knows?" Sirius asked impatiently.

"The ministry has paired me up with Draco Malfoy." Allura told.

"That's mental!" Sirius protested.

"We just assumed...Fred." Remus said.

"Who are you paired with?" Sirius asked Fred.

"Katie Bell." He informed, not all too pleased.

"You got off quite easy." Allura said firmly. "I have to get married in the house where Voldemort lived into a family of people who lived with him following traditions which are centuries old."

"What Centuries old traditions?" Harry asked.

"I have 12 bridesmaids. Half of whom I have never spoken to before." Allura said with a sickly sweet sarcastic smile.

She told everyone about her meeting with Narcissa in the Diagon Alley.

"She doesn't sound too bad." Hermione said hesitantly.

"Oh she won't be." Sirius said. "The Malfoys have a history of treating their daughter in laws extremely well. Narcissa was spoiled rotten. She'd pass the tradition on. It's that son of hers I'm worried about."

"Isn't there anything we can do to well...stop this?" Harry asked still not pleased at all.

"We can only try." Remus said.
Hey guys. I know it's super short. It was a filler that's all. The next chapter is going to be super soon and I know that most of you will love it. Please vote, comment, follow, share and add.

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