Midnight Academy -14-

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Turning back, I sprinted as fast as I could back into the locker-room. As soon as I entered I came to a halt, there on one of the benches both Erik and Daniel sat and they both had a smirk on their faces. Both of them seemed fine but I could smell gunpowder – a gun had been fired but why?

“I told you she would come rushing back,” Erik said, patting Daniel on the back. Daniel sighed and gave some money to Erik.

“You were right, but she’ll be harder for you to win over now,” Daniel murmured and got up, walking over to me. He met my eyes and patted me on the head.

“After patrolling – please do it safely just once – come to my dorm. I promise I will answer your questions about you being my consort,” Daniel said, bending forwards until our eyes were at the same level and then he gave me a light kiss on the cheek. I gazed after him as he left – dumbfounded. My eyes went back to Erik, he watched me cautiously.

“Nice one you pulled there,” I murmured, glaring at Erik.

“We called after you but you didn’t listen to us…so I simply said that you would come rushing back if I fired a shot and that Vamp didn’t believe me. I may have said something like ‘do you wanna bet on it,’ and we did,” Erik muttered, folding his arms and pouted – hmm…he’s quite cute when he does that.

“Why am I in love with you of all people, you make me so mad sometimes,” I blurted out – oh, no…what did I just say?

“What did you say?” Erik gasped; he almost fell off the bench he was sitting on.

“Err…um…no…I,” I stuttered – gosh, why did I blurt out that?

“Did you just say that you love me?” Erik smirked; he got up in one swift move and slowly walked over to me.

“Err…I don’t know. Um…let me think about it,” I mumbled, avoiding his eyes.

“You confessed your feelings for me a second ago and you’re the one saying ‘let me think about it,’ you’re quite the teaser,” Erik murmured, placing his hands on my shoulders – I felt my whole body stiffen, why in the world did I say ‘I love you’ – that’s insane, I mean I’ll admit that I like him and that I’m attracted to him – the guy is sex-on-legs, period. But I can’t really say I love him, right?

“Um…lack of sleep?” I gulped as I met his blue eyes, his silver hair was damp, it was unusually neat, usually his hair was unruly and kind of wild.

Erik let out a heavy sigh, his hand squeezed my shoulders softly and then he let go of them.

“Okay, we drop this subject for now and let’s go patrolling,” Erik mumbled avoiding my eyes – shit; I might have hurt him…why on earth did I say that?

I followed after Erik in silence, the night air felt cold against my skin – colder than usual; I guess the winter will be here soon. I headed to the B-wing and did my daily route. Lost in thought, I walked around without looking around – I came to a halt as I walked into someone. I looked up and was just about to apologize when I recognized the person.

“Alistar!” I gasped and wrapped my arms around him. His brown, kind eyes watched me carefully behind his glasses; his light brown hair was pulled back in a tiny ponytail. Alistar hugged me back briefly – then softly pushed me away.

“Erika, honey, how’ve you been?” Alistar asked softly.

“Good, I guess…and you?” I murmured.

“Fine, thank you, the business went surprisingly good,” Alistar said, sighing with relief.

“Alistar…um…did you agree to me being Daniel Hamilton’s consort,” I mumbled – it’s best to ask now instead of later. Alistar looked at me in confusion; he almost looked pained for a split-second.

  “I’m sorry Erika, I had to, because of the business deal…I had to. I need the Hamilton’s to approve of Midnight Academy and they requested that you would become young Mr. Hamilton’s consort. I’m sorry,” Alistar whispered.

I staggered backwards, what was this about? How could he “sell” his own daughter for a business deal? Sure, it was for the sake of Midnight Academy, his life project, but still – I felt hurt, can you blame me?

“Sorry won’t cover this,” I said, glaring at him – I turned on my heels and ran away from him. I’d always been good at running, it felt natural. I ran through the schoolyard, the few vampires who were still outside observed me in amusement as I passed them. I pushed myself to run even faster, ignoring the slight pain I felt under my feet, the wounds I received this evening from running barefoot was still sore.

I headed to one of the hills surrounding Midnight Academy, when I had reached the top of the east hill I came to a halt. Panting and gasping for air I looked out over the academy. The castle-like school building looked like a scene form a horror movie. The fog was slowly creeping closer, making it hard to see. On the school grounds I could see ghostly pale creatures wander around, moving like predators – casually but at the same time aggressively. For the first time in what felt like forever – I felt scared, really scared, terrified even. Then a thought came to me. Run away.

Yes, I’ll do that! I’m running away, away from all this vampire-madness and start living a normal life. Naïve, yes, it may be naïve but I’m sick and tired off all of the consort-issues. And I’m done playing nice and innocent, I’m not weak. I slump down to the ground, the moist grass is cold and will probably leaving a stain on my uniform, but honestly, I don’t give a damn.   

I’m sitting on the east hill, planning my runaway. Wow, am I really doing this? I let out a heavy sigh – the air is so cold that my breath turns into a white smoke.

Suddenly I hear footsteps; I leap onto my feet, facing the direction where the sound came from. Daniel entered my field of vision – the last person I want to meet now. His black hair was as tousled as ever, his black eyes sought mine. What did he want?

“I heard you met Alistar,” Daniel said, slowly coming closer to me. He reached out one of his hands and was just about to grab my chin when I ducked, I went right and kicked the back of his knees – he lost his foothold for a second. I took the chance and pushed him down. Daniel had his back against the ground; the surprise was obvious in his face. I was sitting on his stomach; my face was just inches away from his – my knees pressed his arms to the ground. I had a small, sharp knife (that I had pulled out from my jacket) pointed to his throat – one of the weak spots of vampires, ironic, yes. A smirk was slowly forming on Daniels lips.

“Ha! I knew you had this in you,” Daniel said smugly, showing his perfectly white teeth as his smirk grew wider.

“Don’t you dare touch me again,” I hissed, pressing the blade tighter to his throat. Daniel burst out in laughter his eyes watched me playfully. Then he sighed and pulled out his arms without effort, he grabbed my face with both hands and pulled me closer until our lips met. Daniel kissed me roughly; he bit my bottom lip playfully, pulling it. I could feel his sharp teeth against my soft skin – suddenly he bit my lip harder, making it bleed. That was it.

I pressed the blade harder against his throat; I heard a cracking sound as the blade penetrated the skin. I could feel cold blood pumping out of his throat, making my hands wet with it.

“Now you’ve done it girl,” Daniel hissed and before I knew it, I was the one whose back was pressed against the ground. I might have angered him – just a tiny bit…

“Then kill me, I dare you,” I said with the taste of blood in my mouth.

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