Midnight Academy -15-

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I was pinned down to the ground; I could hardly move an inch. Daniel pushed me tightly down; his face was just inches away from mine.

“What are you waiting for? Kill me,” I gasped.

“What fun would that be,” Daniel murmured softly, his breath tickled my skin. Daniel grabbed my right wrist and pulled it slowly to his mouth. I watched him stunned; I wasn’t able to fight him. My heartbeat quickened, my breath shortened – I was terrified.

Daniel turned my wrist around so that my palm was faced upwards. He kissed the soft skin of mine; I shivered as his lips touched my skin. With a smile he revealed his sharp fangs and before I could even blink – god, these vamps sure are fast – he had penetrated the skin on my wrist. I gasped at the sharp pain and closed my eyes.

Focus Erika, focus, don’t let him drink you up – don’t lose consciousness, I told myself as a mantra. I felt his strong arm around my waist – supporting my whole weight. He was grasping me tightly, probably to hold me steady so I wouldn’t try anything unnecessary. I slowly opened one eye – to see how long I would have left to live. To my surprise I saw Daniels lips hovering over my wrist – blood was smeared all over his face, my blood. I opened both my eyes and I could see Daniel mumbling something, would have missed it if I had blinked at that moment but I swear I saw my blood moving like it was alive.

Gasping in horror I tried to break free but the attempt had that much effect as it would’ve had on a frigging rock.

“Ssh…hush now,” Daniel murmured softly and caressed my cheek. I glared at him, blue eyes meeting black eyes – light versus dark.  Then he put my wrist back to his lips and drank two mouthfuls of blood. I closed my eyes and cried out in fear – this is it, this is really it for me. Suddenly a pair of lips was on my own lips. My eyes flew open. Daniel met my eyes and kissed me fiercely. Something was off with this kiss, it tasted weird – it tasted iron-like, it was blood. This was too much for me and I felt myself drifting away, before I knew it I’d lost consciousness.

I woke up with a massive headache – where am I? I looked around; it was dark so it was hard for me to actually see something. I was lying on something soft – it must be a bed, I noticed that my head was resting on a pillow – yep, possibly a bed. But this wasn’t my room; it was too dark, too big? A faint smell of a cologne I recognized was lingering in the room. Then I remembered what’d happen, I was sitting on the eastern hill then Daniel had appeared and then he…he bit me. I grasped my wrist in panic and tried to see the bite-mark, but it was too dark.  

“Aah, finally you’re awake,” a deep voice murmured. A lamp was lit and I could finally see something. Daniel was sitting across the room on a chair next to a grand desk. I quickly gazed around the room. It was painted with a dark grey color – no wonder it was so dark earlier. The bed I was lying on was enormous, too big for one person only. The sheets were white – odd, since pretty much every other thing was black or dark grey.

“Where am I?” I asked, slowly dragging myself up to a sitting position.

“You’re in my room,” Daniel said matter-of-factly.

“Thank you mister obvious,” I said sarcastically. “I will rephrase myself; why am I here?”

“You fainted; I’m not allowed into your dorm so I took you here, quite gentlemanly, huh?” Daniel said, raising an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

“Oh. Dear. God,” I gasped quietly but he still heard me, I guess. I looked down to my wrist now that the room was filled with light. I gulped loudly as I saw my wrist – on my right wrist there was a red colored rose, my eyes darted to Daniel’s.

“What the hell is this?” I shouted, pointing at my wrist.

“It’s a seal,” Daniel said, shrugging his shoulders.

“What kind of a seal?” I growled.

“The seal of a consort,” he said.

I rubbed my wrist frantically where the seal was, but it didn’t come off. I jumped out of the bed and ran over to Daniel, I grabbed his throat with my bare hand – I know I’m not able to harm him by this but I hope it will at least have some impact on him.

“Explain,” I said shortly, clutching his throat harder.

“I’m surprised you don’t know this, I thought you guardians knew everything about us vampires,” he shrugged; I raised an eyebrow for him to continue. “To become a true consort of a vampire, the consort – also known as the human – will have to go through a ritual.”

“What kind of a ritual?” I muttered – Daniel watched me amused.

“A vampire can have many different consorts but only one true consort, by true consort I mean that the vampire can feed from various different people but can never be satisfied unless the vampire feed from the true consort. Basically one drop of the true consorts blood equal ten different humans’ entire blood-level. So when the bound is made the vampire can hardly survive without the true consort.”

“Why would you want a true consort? It sounds to me like it’s a hassle, like a weakness,” I said, still clutching his throat.

“It may seem like a weakness but when the bound is made the vampire will become stronger since the blood of a true consort is more powerful than a mere humans, remember that different human blood carries different kinds of abilities, like quick healing, speed, strength etc. with a true consorts blood that ability will become ten times powerful,” Daniel said, grabbing my right wrist, pulling it to his lips and kissed the seal.

“And if the consort dies?” I said and jerked my arm away from him. I saw his black eyes somber – I wonder why.

“It would be quite the hassle…the vampire can survive the true consort if the vampire ends the contract before the true consort dies but if the consort dies before that then…then the vampire would probably lose himself to madness since the amount of blood he would have to drink would be too much to handle,” Daniel trailed off.

“Um…but can’t the vampire just make a new contract to another true consort?” I asked, looking at the rose pattern on my wrist.

“No, it doesn’t work like that,” Daniel murmured avoiding my gaze – hmm…touchy subject.

“Then why me?” I asked. I felt tired – angry, tired, scared and lonely. My hand that was clutching his throat was turning white, why is he looking so unaffected?

“Sun is rising, time for bed. I’m dead tired; keep me company for today, will’ya?” Daniel said, rising from his seat with my hand still around his throat – in a swift movement he picked me up and carried me back to the bed.

“Heck no!” I squealed, trying – in vain – to fight him.

“Easy there, I just want you to sleep here so I can keep an eye on you so you won’t do anything stupid,” Daniel murmured sleepily, putting me down on the bed and followed after. He wrapped his arms around me – locking me down; I could feel my heart race. How on earth would I be able to sleep after this? Erik, what would he say about this tomorrow?

Tomorrow seemed so far away.

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