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   Once I got back from work, the lights in the living room was turned off. Even the kitchen was covered in darkness. She's already asleep.

We live in the same house, but why do I feel so empty?

I silently turned the doorknob to her bedroom door.
Tch, what a cutie. She's sleeping with her bed lamp turned on. Slowly I entered the room and leaned to the same level as her and kiss her goodnight on the forehead.

Seeing her face reminds me of the photo which Jimin sent me. He was supposed to find the culprit but instead, he sent me a picture of Hoseok and Sejin together? Well at least now I should be careful of Hoseok. He definitely had something on her.
   I'm in no place to be mad at her. I should blame myself for letting this happened. It's Hoseok's feeling at fault. Not her. But still. It hurts me.

She mumbled in her sleep.

Wah this really made my heart flutters so much. How I wish I could just hold her in my arms forever.

I caressed her cheek and then she woke up immediately, shocked seeing me so close to her.

"Oh? You're home?"

I nodded. "I'm sorry for getting home this late. I had to finish up my album with the producer today"

"No it's fine.. I know you're busy these days"
"Are you okay? You look so pale. Come on, you can tell me if anything happens you know?"
She held my hand.

I caressed her hand that was on my cheek. "I'm fine.. really.. I'm just tired"

We stared on each other for 3 seconds. It's so soothing seeing her with her bed hair, it's cute.

"Can you move to the other side. I want to lay down next to you.. I'm tired "I said.

She scoffed. "Whaat. Go to your room.."

"No." I smiled. "I want to stay here tonight."
"With you."
Her rounded eyes made my heart fluttered again. Aissh Jeon Jungkook get a hold of yourself!

"Okay fine! But only for—"
I playfully pushed her to the other side of the bed and immediately lay next to her.

"This is kinda awkward.." she said as we both smile while we stared on each other, while laying eyes to eyes.
I chuckled. "Yes.. but I won't get bored seeing you tho.."

Her cheeks flushed in red.
"Stop that!" And hit my shoulder.
I laughed. It's so fun teasing her.

She notice the time was already past 3A.M.
"We should sleep now.. and you. Go to your room"

"What if  I won't?" I joked.

"Aish.. then I will go. I don't think I'll be able to sleep if you're here." She said and get up from the bed but I quickly grabbed her hand,pulled her on the bed again as I locked my lips with her.
"I never said I would be sleeping tonight.." I said seriously between our kisses as I stared on her shocked eyes. She froze.

"My heart hurts Sejin.. We were so busy with our work and we couldn't barely meet each other.. and it feels like you're forgetting that I'm also a man.." I slowly leaned my face closer to her until I could feel her nervous breath brushing my face. Her heartbeats started beating fast. I could hear it all.
I pulled her into another kiss as she also  slowly deepened our kiss.



I woke up and noticed that I was all alone on the bed. Has he gone to work already?
My cheeks suddenly felt so hot after remembering about last night with Jungkook.
I heard a few sizzling sounds from the kitchen.
Maybe Jimin cooks something for himself?

Slowly I walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw Jungkook was cooking meanwhile Jimin was sitting at the dinner table, reading newspaper.

"Wow. What a view we got here.." I mumbled to myself but I think I said it too loud that both of them turned their heads at me.
"Goodmorning.." Jungkook smiled at me. Wah my hearts can't take it anymore. I feel like I would scream out loud seeing his melting eye smile.

"What's this? It's so rare seeing you cook breakfast.."

" I got my special holiday ..so I'll be at home for awhile.."

"Ahh.. really? You should tell me last night.. anyway  that's good..I should get ready for work now.. I'll eat after I get dressed."

"Last night.." Jimin suddenly spoke and glanced to both of us. Jungkook who was holding the spatula suddenly dropped it down.

"Heh.. last night why??"
I asked.

Jimin looked suspiciously at us. " I heard.. someone's phone ringing but no one picked up"

I sighed in relief. Wooh, I thought he knew that me and Jungkook slept together last night. That would be embarrassing! And he would feel so uncomfortable.

"Aaah, the phone I heard that too! I wonder who's phone it was." Jungkook lied to cover up.

I awkwardly faked a laugh and said " I should get ready now.."

Also, I heard Jimin said " but the ringing comes from outside.."

I wonder who's phone that was..

"Good morning Sejin!" Suran said as she came to my desk and put a few files on my table.

"Yeah.. good morning.."

"These.. boss wants you to finish reviewing all of these today.."
I looked to the piled files infront of me.
"Where is he by the way? Our boss.."

"I think he went for a meeting.. maybe he'll be back later to his office. Ah, also Sejin.. your bodyguard.. is he also here with you?"

I smiled sheepishly to her. "Right.. I forgot about yesterday..you're so into him. So did something happened did you ask for his number or.."

"That's too fast. I can't just ask for his number like that.. " she said.

"Don't worry. I'll try talking about it to him." And winked.

"Thank you so much Sejin!!"

As Suran walked away to her desk, I glanced to Hoseok's office.
It reminds me of yesterday's confession. That was so sudden.
"Ahh, what should I say to him" I put palms on my face.
It was lunch time. I plan to Suran along with me to the nearest cafe for some meal. Then, right infront of my company, lots of reporters were already waiting as if there was a celebrity working in the company.

We slowly stepped out from the front door and I heard one of the reporters said . "GUYS! That's her!! She's the one in the picture!"

All the reporters ran to us. I looked to Suran as she was being shoved away by them. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!


By the time I heard one of the questions that the reporters yelled. I felt like the time stopped.
Oh god. Please help us. Am I going to be dead? Jungkook's fans are going to kill me.

The sounds of camera flashing towards me hurts my ears. It makes me sick. Where is Jimin now? I need him now but he's nowhere to be found! I thought he's supposed to be my bodyguard!!

Then, someone reached for my hand as my face was covered with a black jacket. I was pulled away from the crowd.

"Hold my hand tight." I heard his voice whispering to my ear.
And the first thing that came to my mind was "Hoseok."

Ayyo! Finally update. I know the readers have been waiting so long for this update sorry that it took forever.
Oh i forgot to mention that Jimin live together with Jungkook and Sejin. Since he's the hot bodyguard..

I'm happy that I can write this book again and update. Sorry if there was mistakes here I'm in a rush to publish this chapter.
Cliffhangerrr I know. Anyway enjoy !! >_<
Don't forget to vote and comment sankyu.

You're Only Mine 2 : The Marriage RULES [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now