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The reporters bursted out those words again and again as I held Hoseok's hand tightly.

"WHERE are you taking me-?!"

"Just follow me and we'll be gone from their sights. It's dangerous that they might hurt you"

I couldn't do anything and ran away with him to his car as we drove to make ourselves out from the cameras and media.

I took off the jacket that he put on my head and glanced at him.
"Why'd you do this?"

While he drives, he glanced at me.
"That might've scared you."

"YES it does scared the sht out of me! But why.. you should not be involved in my matter! This is between me and Jungkook.."
"Now you're in trouble too.. because of me.."

"I did it because I want to. I want to help you, Sejin." He said.

I stay quiet for awhile.
"But where are we goin-"

Before I could finish my sentence,
Jungkook called me as I quickly pick it up.

"Sejin-ah are you okay?! I heard what happened. I'm on my way to you with Jimin now.." he said in the other line.

"No-! It's fine.. I'm fine for now.. you shouldn't be going anywhere you should rest Jungkook.. I'm going home anyway.." I said.

"I'm sorry.. I should've make Jimin go with you today. It's all my fault.." he sounds worried.

"WHa- no it's not your fault. By the way how did this happened?"

"Someone took our picture together when we eat this morning...It seems like it's the same culprit that hurt you."

"Okay.. we'll talk later.. I'll get there soon.."

As we ended the call,
I realised Hoseok heard everything.

"Sorry.. for not telling you anything about Jungkook. It'll bring trouble for you and your company too.."

"How did you even meet him? He's the hottest celebrity now isn't he.?"

"We were seat mates in highschool.. And until now we're still together so now he's my fiance.. I know you're must've been shocked to hear this. Is should've told you sooner."
"I'm sorry for not considering about your feelings..too"

"No it's fine.. I'm sure you guys have your own reasons."

Even though he told me not to worry about it, but it's so obvious that he's so disappointed in me. and Jungkook too.
I'm afraid we both would lose our job like this.

Hoseok stopped the car in front of the house as Jungkook was already waiting for me at the balcony.

Hoseok and Jungkook shouldn't meet like this. But I know that it can't be avoided.

He ran downstairs to see whether I was fine.
Jungkook immediately held me in his arms as I could feel his heart beats faster, probably worried about me.
"Are you okay..?"
"You're not hurt or anything aren't you?"

I shook my head. "I'm fine.."

I quickly pulled away from the hug as I heard Hoseok stepped out from the car.

You're Only Mine 2 : The Marriage RULES [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now