Predaking x Autobot! Reader

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This was requested by Horses_for_Life12345 I hope you like it!

(Y/A/N) = Your Autobot Name

(C/T) = Car Type

(Y/A/N) was a beautiful Femme, she was a bit taller than most femme's so she was able to transformer into a small (C/T). She was pretty strong, kind, and would think more of others than herself. She never thought she would find love in the middle of the war, but she did...she found a Sparkmate. And with the most unlikely of...bots. He wasn't exactly a bot, more like a beast.

They kept their relationship a secret, their sparks were one, they could tell their love for the other was strong and still going. They were able to attack one another, without worry of killing the other. Especially (Y/A/N), because Predaking was strong. He wasn't easy to kill. But, it was painful to be apart, to not hold the other.

One night, (Y/A/N) had snuck out of the base, she drove for hours. Without noticing that she was being tailed by her Human, and Smokescreen. Who were surprisingly quiet, the sneaky duo held in their gasps when Predaking showed up in front of (Y/A/N), and transformed. The two instantly sharing a loving, and needy kiss. But, (Y/A/N) wasn't the only one who was followed.

"What do we have here?" Megatron growled

The Decepticon Warship came into view, Megatron, Starscream and some other Cons were behind them. Predaking shielded (Y/A/N), glaring at them.

"I will not let you hurt her." he growled

"I told you he was up to something!" Starscream squaked

"Silence Starscream, are you going to answer me Predaking? You don't really think that, an Autobot could love someone like you." said Megatron

"I can feel it in my spark." he growled

"No way...they sparked!" Smokescreen shouted

"Smokescreen!! You followed me!" (Y/A/N) glared

He stepped forward, rubbing the back of his neck cabels.

"It was Rose's Idea!...I was also pretty curious to why you were acting a bit weird." he shrugged

"Don't throw me under the bus!-Um...Smokescreen, you might want to call for backup..." Rose said

Canon's were loaded,

" might want to get in." he said

He stuck Rose into his Chassis, and called for backup right when the fighting began. The other Autobots joined in on the fight, Predaking was on their side. Smokescreen blasted Insecticons off of Predakings back,

"Hey Uglies! Over here-Woah!" he shouted

He ran as they went after him, Predaking helped him out. (Y/A/N) grinned and the Decepticons retreated.

Predaking joined their side and helped with the battle.

Predaking & (Y/A/N) had Sparklings, Cybertron was up and running again. Bots and Cons came back home, and helped to rebuild. The two 'bot's lived on the outskirts of the city, and continued to raise their strange, but family. Smokescreen would Sparksit the Sparklings whenever they needed him to, or he would just come over to play with them. He needed to take his mind off of Earth, which would always end up going back there.

"I still think it's weird that you're Sparkmates with a Predacon, but, you love him." he grinned

"He thinks it's weird that you love a Human, but he knows not to tease you about it. Like I just did, sorry Smokescreen. Eek! Predaking!" (Y/A/N) hissed

He wrapped his arms around her, and put his head on her helm. Smiling, and looked at Smokescreen,

"You should have stayed on Earth with her." he said

"And miss out on your Sparklings," he grinned

"Creator! Creator! I wanna be a Racecar!" (Y/F/S) shouted,

She hung on Smokescreens arm, (Y/M/S) hung off the other one,

"I wanna be like Daddy!" he shouted

Smokescreen, took them away as (Y/A/N) & Predaking kissed, watching as Smokescreen spun the two around,

656 Words,

"The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even thought-they are felt with the heart."
                                                       - Helen Keller

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