Bumblebee x steampunk Autobot reader

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I kept on running, I turned my head but didn't slow down. The Vehicons were still behind me, and the Seekers were still above me. And the three kids were still on my back. Though, they were having trouble holding on.

"Wahoo!! Go Faster!!" the girl, Miko, shouted,

"You are one crazy human," I shook my head, but went faster,

I stretched my neck further, narrowing my eyes at the blue-green thing in front of me. I skidded to a stop when a Bot stepped out. I stopped in time, coming face with the bots thigh. I looked up, eyes widening when I saw who it was.

"Autobots! Protect the children!" The Optimus Prime shouted,

Some other bots came out and attacked, I backed up and dug my hoof into the ground. I stayed put, as the blue-green thing went away. I watched with the three on my back as the Cons ran away. Miko was cheering while Raf and Jack sighed with relief.

"I thought we told you to stay home!" the only femme snapped at the kids on my back,

"My foster parents made me go outside! Not my fault I was kidnapped!" Miko huffed, crossing her arms

"The con used her to get us to go with him," Jack sighed,

"Thank you for rescuing them," Optimus Prime said, kneeling and holding his hand out,

The kids climbed onto his hand, I backed up and shifted once I was far enough away. I was a bit taller than the other femme but still shorter than the mecs.

"It was my honor, I am Thunder shot," I introduced myself,

"Bot or Con," the femme narrowed her eyes at me, searching my body for a mark

"Neither, so to speak," I shrugged

"What do you mean?" Raf asked,

"You're a Steamer! I thought your kind died out!" the big green guy laughed,

"That is correct, I kept in hiding. I fled once I was able to, and have been living here. I was gathering Energon when I heard and saw them. I couldn't understand why Cons would want humans, not until I saw you." I looked up at Optimus Prime,

"Yes, they are friends, you can come with us back to the base if you would like to, or you may continue to be on your own. But, now that you rescued these humans for the cons, they will surely hunt you down," Optimus Prime said,

"If you don't mind, I will help any way I can, that includes getting Energon," I smiled at them,

"Really? I thought your kind hated giving Energon!" the yellow one beeped, surprised

"We do," I shrugged,

"Then why-" the femme started, still glaring at me,

"Arcee, be kind to our ally, we appreciate your help," Optimus said, before telling Ratchet to open the Ground Bridge,

~Time Skip, Brought by getting to know every bot~

I was tired and wasn't feeling too well. I was laying in the Infirmary, Ratchet was looking to see what's wrong with me. While Bumblee paced outside the door, he was originally pacing in here until Ratchet had gotten annoyed.

I had been with the Autobots for a year, and with Bumblebee for two months. I cared for him, and he cared for me. Though, Arcee still didn't trust me. And neither did Wheel Jack, Ultra Magnus, or Agent Fowler. I can't tell if Optimus trusts me or not. But, Bee, Smokescreen and Bulkhead trusts me, and so does Jack, Miko, Raf, and June. Ratchet doesn't seem to care if I'm here or not. He huffed, annoyance on his face, but then it changed to look of surprise, worry, fear, and then softness.

"Um....Ratchet?" I said hesitant, sitting up

"You're going to be fine," he waved his hand

"That's good," I sighed with relief,

"However, you're only going to get more exhausted and will possibly throw up," said Ratchet,

"What? Wh-...SERIOUSLY?!" I yelled,

The door opened, Bumblebee and the others ran in quickly. Miko & Arcee asking what was wrong, I just stared at Bee, opening and closing my mouth. I turned to Ratchet and whined.

"She's fine, just in shock," Ratchet rolled his eyes,

"Shock? From what." Ultra Magnus frowned,

"Bee. You're going to be a Father," Ratchet put his hand on Bee's shoulder,

Bee just stared at him, then looked at me, then to Ratchet, back to me, then Ratchet before staring at my stomach. I looked down at my stomach too. Miko cut the silence by cheering, and talking rapidly. I yelped in surprise when I was pulled off the bed and pulled into a tight hug by Bumblebee. He lifted me off the ground and spun me in a circle.

"Uh, how are we going to be able to take care of a sparkling?" Arcee looked to Optimus,

"Technically, it could be a shelling, sparkling or a hybrid. Depending on which gene is stronger and how much domination the gene has," Ratchet said,

"If it's a Mech, it'll most likely have more Steamer qualities, a Femme will have more Cybertronian qualities, and you won't be taking care of it, I will," I growled at her, my gears turning

"That wasn't what she meant Thunder," Bumblebee put his hand on my shoulder,

"I know what she meant," I huffed, my gears cooling,

"We will all help if you need or want it Thunder Shot, we are in the middle of a war, and you are apart of our family," Optimus Prime looked me in the eyes

"Thank you, Optimus, but I am a Steamer, not a Cybertronian. Our....pregnacies are different than yours," I shook my head, holding Bee's hand,

"Is it like Animals?" Raf asked, standing by my feet

I crouched down, letting go of Bee's hand, I held mine out. He and the other four came on, June dragging Fowler onto my hand. I stood up and moved them to eye level.

"A bit and you should not be so close to us on the ground, you might get hurt." I scolded him,

"She's right Raf, though, I doubt she'll step on any of you on accident or come close to stepping on you," Bee smiled, cheerfully

"That's right, her senses will be on high alert, so she'll notice everything," Ratchet said,

"And, another reason...." I smiled weakly at Bee,

He frowned and his shoulders dropped, realization dawned on all of the other Bots faces' a few looking relaxed, while others sad, the humans were confused. Except for Raf,

"You're going to turn into a wolf, aren't you?" Raf frowned, shoulders slouching,

"It is my primary, I do promise to return, with mine and Bee's child," I sat them on the bed,

Bee immediately hugged me, putting his head on top of mine. He told me he loved me and a bunch of comforting words. I was going to miss him and the others, but I needed to find a safe place to hide and give birth. Especially, in the middle of a war.
1,1770 Words

"Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day."- Taylor Hanson

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