Soundwave X Seeker! Reader

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This was Requested forever ago-However, I don't do Lemons' much anymore, my apologies. Also, the characters might be OOC

I sighed as I on the edge of the Nemesis. I was getting tired of all of this. The war, and the fighting. Starscream was in charge, Megatron was gone, and Starscream. He doesn't leave me alone, I was honestly considering siding with the Autobots. Just to end this stupid war. But, the only reason I hadn't was because of a certain bot.

I jumped in surprise when a tentacle was placed on my shoulder. I looked up at Soundwave and smiled softly at him. But then frowned when Starscream's voice came from him. Starscream wanted to see me in his berth chambers. And Soundwave was to use force if I didn't go willingly. I stood up and scowled.

"Will you?" I clenched my servos

A thumbs up appeared on his faceplate,

"You know what he's going to do right," I said, crossing my arms,

The same image came up on his screen, I glared at him before leaving and going to his berth chambers. Which, he did what I thought he would do. I punched him right across the faceplate and fled. The alarms went off and I was being chased by Vehicons and Incecticons alike, but I did get outside and I jumped off the Nemesis. Disabling my tracking and communications device.

~Time Skip, Brought by Being Loyal to the End~

I pulled out my blasters and pointed both at the two bots who now stood in front of me. Shock, appeared on my face when I saw who the two bots were. Another stepped out from behind them, and Soundwave moved next to Megatron.

"I-I thought you two were d-dead!" I lowered my blasters and kneeled before Megatron, and Shockwave,

If he was going to kill me because of what I did to Starscream, I would be alright with that.

"Soundwave told me why you had attacked Starscream, that insolent fool. Rise, you are not in trouble," Megatron said,

I got to my feet and looked at him in surprise. Then Shockwave told me Starscream was a traitor and an outcast. He was part of the reason why everyone thought Megatron was dead,

"I must confess, I am not loyal to the Decepticons Lord Megatron," I looked him directly in the eyes,

"Oh?" he raised an eyebrow,

"I am loyal only to you and one other bot, for if you, or he fell, so would I." I put my hand over my spark,

"I see, Soundwave will take good care of you Redstar, he is a good bot," Megatron smirked at me,

My faceplate heats up, I turned on my fans and opened and closed my mouth. He only laughed and went through the space bridge with Shockwave. Soundwave grabbed my hand and pulled me into the Nemesis. I gripped onto his hand, as he brought me to the main room. Where Megatron was sitting on his throne. He had me sit, as he turned and worked. Keeping a tentacle wrapped around my arm. Which was a bit annoying, but relaxing.

"Good to have you back sis," Knockout smirked, at me, and Soundwave's tentacle,

"Sorry Lord Megatron," I apologized to him,

I slipped out of Soundwave's tentacle, and ran after Knockout, as he ran away from me laughing. I heard Breakdown and Shockwave yelling at us.


I was laying on Knockout's berth, I hadn't been feeling well the last couple of earth weeks.

"Well, what do you know," Knock out said in amusement,

"What?" I gave him an annoyed look,

"I wonder how Lord Megatron is going to feel about this," Knockout said thoughtfully,

"For Primus sakes Knockout! What the hell is wrong with me?!" I snapped at him, sitting up,

"Careful, you don't want to hurt your Sparkling," he shook his finger at me,

"I'm not-wait, I'm with Sparkling!" I squeaked, jawdropping

He nodded his head, and the door opened. Megatron, Shockwave, and Soundwave entered, before either of them could say anything I launched myself at Soundwave, making him stumble back as he caught me, I couldn't stop smiling.

"Good Luck Soundwave, She is going to be getting very moody for the next nine human months," Knockout teased,

"You're going to have a Sparkling," Shockwave said,

"Do you think it will be a Femme or a Mech? How bad is going to hurt?-Do you think it's going to be noisy?" I ranted until Soundwave covered my mouth with a tentacle,

"Congratulations, however, you are going to need to stay in the Nemesis," Lord Megatron said,

"A good idea, Pregnant Femme's and more Empathetic," Shockwave said,

"True, you might start caring for the Humans if you see or even meet one and end up switching sides," Knockout said, chin in hand, thinking before he busted out laughing, I rolled my eyes at him,

"As if that would ever happen," the both of us said at the same time,

Little did any of us know, it actually would. I betrayed my Sparkmate, my two brothers, one by blood, the other not. All for three, small, weak, humans.
840 Words,

"Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness"- Napoleon Hill

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