Chapter 1: Just a memory

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The air was clean and the sun was shining on my black and gray fur as I ran through the woods. As I got closer to the den, I started to smell unfamiliar scents. When I got closer I slow down, quietly and walked to the den. Mom? I mind linked her, scared of who or what was here.

I stopped and waited for my mom to answer. when I started to walk even closer to the den again, that when mom mind linked me yelling No! Honey don't come closer to the den! Run to the border of the woods that goes into the city, and wait for me there!

But- I started to say but my mom cut me off.

Adrianna! please just listen to some point hurry up and go! I'll be right behind you!


Thank you honey, I love you. See you soon! And with that I started running to the opposite directions of the den, dodging the trees as I ran. All of a sudden I started to smell those unfamiliar scents again. I started to run faster, but the faster I ran the more I could smell them. The next thing I know I started to hear them too.

"Get her! hurry up! Don't let that halfbreed escape!" I hear one of them call out. Halfbreed? What are they talking about? I thought as I Granny. After what felt like hours, iPod started hurting. Damn it! I thought pushing through the pain. Suddenly I felt my front right paw hit what felt like a large rock, I stumbled and fell on the floor.

"Ow" I said to myself.

"I see her! she's over here!" This time I hear womanly voice yell.

Damn , they found me! I thought. I close my eyes, waiting for any sort of pain but instead I hear a loud but. I slowly opened my eyes and slowly get up to turn around only to see my mom's pure White Wolf standing over the knocked out light brown wolf. Tears started to form in my eyes as I ran to my mom. "Mom!" I cried out.

She licked my head and then said "it's okay, you're going to be fine. You just need to get out of here, out of the woods."

I looked at her confused "but mom why? And where should I go?"

She sighed and then started to explain "listen sweetie! I should of told you this along time ago, but you're not a pure wolf. You sweetie pie are a mix."

"A mix? what do you mean?!" I asked, frighten to hear the answer.

"A mix is a half wolf and half dog. Which you can also called a halfbreed."

"What! But if I'm half dog- wait, that can't be. Dad and you both look like wolves." I stated.

"No honey. Your dad may have looked like a wolf, but he's a type of dog known as a husky. They look like wolves."

I stood there in shock, not believing in what I'm hearing. Then my mom says "anyway sweetie, you have to go into the city. That's the only place they won't be able to find you really easily."

"Who's they?" I asked nervously.

"Well there are many wounds in my ex-pack that didn't like the idea of me mating with your father, so if they catch you they will surely kill you or make you become they're fetcher. So please go!"

"Mom but-"

"Please honey for me, stay safe!"

I nodded and then she smiled. After that I started to run again toward the city. Hoping mom's ex-pack won't find me.

once I got close to the city I shifted into my human form. I looked down and saw I was naked. I quickly went to the tree with white flowers growing on it. That's where my mom put extra clothes just in case we needed to go to the city in a hurry that we forgot to take clothes with us. I quickly put on the black leggings and the black t-shirt. Then I put the big gray jacket over the t-shirt. There wasn't any shoes I could put on. They must of been stolen, I thought.

So I just continue to walk toward the city barefoot, which I didn't really mind. When I got to the city's borders. I took a deep breath and then continue to walk. When all of a sudden I hear a honk. I look to my left and see a bright light coming toward me, the next thing I know is something hard-hits my side slowly causing me to go unconscious.


So this is the first chapter :) I really hoped you liked it! If you have any question please don't be afraid to ask. ^_^

And sorry it took so long. I've been updating my other books too ^^

Anyways vote, comment! I would love to hear what you think!

Actually you know what, whoever comments first. I'll dedicate the next chapter to them.

And just don't put "comment", I want you to tell me what you think. :) if your going to criticize me, please make sure you don't be mean about it! Thank you :)

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