Chapter 4: The Invite

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We both look at the door, when Lucas comes in. He looks at me and then at Gwen (his mom), then back at me. He sighs and turns to close the door. "What happened this time?" He asked.

Before I could tell him it was nothing to worry about, Gwen answered "well Adrian here, ditched a class yet again!" She crossed her arms, frowning.

I rolled my eyes, which Lucas saw "Adrian..." He said with a tone in his voice saying 'I saw that.'

I looked down to the side, not making eye contact with Lucas. Damn! I thought.

Lucas then put his arm over my shoulder and faced his mom "let me talk to her mom. I'll make sure she doesn't do it again."

I smile a little at what he said, thinking Great another talking to.

I look up to see Gwen looking at Lucas like she doesn't believe him. Then she looks at me and sighs. Looking back at Lucas she says " oh alright, but one more ditch and I'm sending her to Clover Academy for Girls. The boarding school I went to when I was a teen." 

My eyes widen "What?! and Where's that?" I asked her. 

She looked at me and smiled " In London, England." 

My heart froze. What the hell?! There's no fucking way I'm going to leave Wolfhaven, Colorado to go to an all girls boarding school in London, I thought.

"Mom, I promise you. She will go to all her classes from now on, right Adrian?" Lucas says turning tpo me. 

I turned to him and then to Gwen "I promise, I won't skip class anymore." Which wasn't a lie, I can't efford  to go to london. My mom is here and I told myself that after senior year, I was gonna go back into the woods and go find her. No matter what it took.

"Okay then, Dinner will be ready in a 30 minutes so you two go wash up before dinner." Gwen said to us as she was walking away into the kitchen. 

I then look at Lucas and say "Thanks." 

"No problem, make sure you go to all your classes. Wewouldn't want you to go to London now do we." He said, then rubbed my head, smiling. Then he turned and ran upstairs. 

I smiled and then blushed. Why am I blushing? I thought. After that I shook my head as I said out loud to myself " Ahhh! He just said that to tease me! I'll get him back later." I smirked and then ran upstairs to my room and fell backwards on my bed, sighing. As I was laying there I kept on thinking about all that has happened today. First, some guy tells me that I'm his mate. Second, He's an alpha and third, there's a side of me that can't resits him. (yes this sentences are kind of like twilight) 

All of a sudden I remembered my backpack, I sat up and looked around all around the floor. Shit! I left my backpack back in the woods! I stood up and quickly ran out of my room, then out the door. Hoping Clay didn't take my packpack with him. As I entered the woods I stopped to take off my clothes to shift, hiding my clothes in a hole at the bottom of a redwood tree. Then I shifted into my wolf form and ran towards where I left Clay. Praying he wouldn't still be there. When I was nearing the spot, I slowed down and quietly walked toward the spot. I saw that no one was there and my backpack was still in the spot I left it in.  I let out a big breath, relieved he didn't take it. 

I walked quickly to my backpack and picked it up with my canines. I turned around running back to the house. I shifted back to my human form as I was near the house. Since my foster family doesn't know I can turn into a wolf. I put on my clothes that I left in the redwood tree. Then quickly walked to the house carrying my backpack over my shoulder. When I got in, I noticed Gwen still cooking. I let out a small breath, glad she didn't noticed I left. I ran upstairs to my room once again and sat on the edge of my bed and unzipping my backpack. Might as well start on my homework before dinner, I thought. When I unzipped my backpack I saw a small white envolope. I picked up the envolope and in the front it read:

                                                        To: My Beautiful Mate

I blushed and then realized it was from Clay. Oh shit, he opened my backpack! He knows who I am! I thought panicking. I flipped the envolope over and slowly opened it. In the envolope was a folded piece of paper. I unfolded the paper and it said:

                                                                         My Little Mate,                                                                                                                                        Im sorry if I scared you, I didnt mean to. Since you left your backpack I knew you would come back to get it. I would have waited for you, but I had important Alpha business to take care of. So I thought I would write you a note. Anyways I want you to come to the Moon Night Club at the edge of town, tomorrow night. You better be there! Or I'll HUNT YOU DOWN!                                                             ~Clay                 

I blushed and then looked outside of my window at the sky seeing the almost full moon, thinking Shit! What am I gonna do?


Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter and sorry about about copying twilight alittle. I didn't even notice until I was typing it. 


NEXT CHAPTER: Moon Night Club - COMING SOON!                                                     

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