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Why? Why  did I find him so goddamn attractive? For one; he's my bandmate and my best friend. And I'm almost 100% sure he's straight as a board.

But I couldn't help it. The way his gorgeous blonde hair sweeps across his forehead (He always complains that it looks wrong and spends almost half an hour trying to fix it, before getting frustrated and giving up) His eyes: his incredible ocean blue eyes. I feel like i drowning every time he looks at me. The small dimples he gets when he smiles. And his laugh. His laugh always makes me smile and is so contagious. The way he uses his small figure to his advantage when hiding from the rest of us. He's perfect in my eyes.

I longed to be able to run my fingers through his soft hair. To be able  to kiss him whenever I wanted. To be able to hold his hand without being judged. To be able to curl up in bed beside him, pull him close to me and hum songs to him as we fell asleep together.

Why was i feeling this way toward my closest friend. Was it wrong? Probably. Should i be feeling like this towards him? Probably not.
But was I? Fuck yes.

"Rye?" His soft angelic voice came out of nowhere. It startled me, but I quickly composed myself
"Uh. Hey. W-what are you doing up here so late?" I asked. He smiled softly and sat down, his legs dangling over the edge of the building.

"I could ask you the same question"
"I needed to think. This is my thinking space" I answered, motioning around. He hummed and rested his head on my shoulder. As if it was instinct, I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him closer to me.

"It's getting late. The other guys will be wondering where we are" He pointed out, looking up at me. I shrugged. I didn't want to go back. Not yet anyway.
"You can go back. I want to stay" I replied, glancing over the city skyline. The sun was starting to set. Yellows , ambers , reds and purples mixed into the sky. The dark silhouettes of birds were dotted across the sky. It almost reminded me of a painting I had once seen. I hadn't seen a sunset in so long.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He said softly. I smiled and nodded my head.
"It is". I didn't want this to end. It was perfect. Him sitting here, cuddled into me, watching the sunset together.

We watched as the sun disappeared beneath the skyline, and the sky slowly go from all these brilliantly warm colours, to dark blues and black.

I felt him shivering and him scoot closer to me. I pulled my dark red hoodie off and handed it to him.
"Won't you get cold?" He asked. I shook my head and forced it into his hands. He smiled gratefully and put it on. It was slightly too big on him, as he was a lot shorter than me, but he looked adorable. He pulled the sleeves over his hand and moved from my shoulder down to my lap.

"Rye?" He whispered.
"Yeah?" I asked gently, looking down at him.
"I like this. We should do this more often". My heart stopped in my chest. I knew my cheeks had gone bright red. Thankfully it was dark and he was facing away from me.
"Yeah. We should" I agreed.

We sat in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence though. It was more of a comfortable one. I looked down and smiled fondly. He had fallen asleep, soft snores coming out of his slightly parted lips. I almost didn't want to move. This was perfect. Almost too perfect. But it wasn't fair on him. The temperature was dropping and I didn't want him to get ill.

Being careful not to wake him, I picked him up bridal style and carried him off the roof, back towards our flat. The others were all in the living room. They all were smirking at me. I wanted to stick my middle finger up at them, but I couldn't as I had him in my arms. I rolled my eyes and took him into my room. I placed him down on my bed. I didn't mind giving up my bed for him. I could just sleep on the sofa. I covered him up and switched the light off.

Just as I was about to leave, I felt him grab my wrist.
"Stay with me?" He said it in such a small and soft voice, it caused my heart to swell. Not trusting my voice, I nodded and climbed into my bed next to him. He sighed contently and cuddled into my chest. Once again, I was thankful for the cover of darkness as I was pretty sure I was redder than a tomato.

"Love you Rye-Pie" He muttered, before falling back to sleep. I smiled to myself, and kissed him on the head.
"I love you too Andy," I whispered back "More than you'll ever know"



im just fixing some grammatical errors in why writing don't mind me :)

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