D o u z e

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"Let's play Truth Or Dare"

It was the night before tour and Zach suggested that we played Truth or Dare. Everyone was super excited. Personally I didn't see the appeal in the game. It always ended badly with either someone getting hurt or an argument.

But somehow, Rye had managed to persuade me and so I found myself sitting on Ryes bed, in a circle playing this dumb game.

It was going well. Aaron had to swap clothes with Jack, Zach had to eat a raw egg and Mikey had admitted to breaking Rye's headphones, and buying him a new pair out of guilt.

"Brook. Truth or Dare" Mikey asked.
"Dare. Because I'm not a wuss like you, Cobban" Brooklyn answered, smirking.

"I dare you to kiss Andy on the lips for 10 seconds" Mikey shot back, obviously proud of himself. Brooklyns smile immediately dropped and his head snapped towards us.

Rye was clenching his jaw slightly. Brooklyn looked at him nervously, asking silently if it was ok. He nodded his head, but I could tell he wasn't ok.

Brooklyn crawled over to me and looked at me with an apologetic look in his eyes. He leaned in and crashed his lips against mine. I stiffened up. I didn't like it at all. No offence to Brooklyn, but his lips were nowhere near as nice as Rye's.

He pulled away after 10 seconds, ignoring the death glare that Rye was trying to kill him with. I leant over to put a hand on his knee, but he pushed me away, standing up.

"I need a drink" He said sharply, leaving the room. I sighed softly and started biting the inside of my lip.
"What's his problem?" Zach asked frowning. Everyone shrugged, except Brooklyn and I, as we shared a knowing look.
"Andy should go. He knows Rye the best" Brooklyn suggested. I nodded and jumped to my feet, silently thanking him, before rushing out the room.

I found Rye in my room/ Kitchen. He was by the sink, hands gripping the edge. His head was down. I slowly walked over to him and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. He spun around in panic, but instantly relaxed when he saw me.

"Babe? Are you ok?" I whispered. He nodded soundlessly. He was lying. He had tears running down his face and he refused to look me in the eye. I grabbed his face and wiped his tears away.
"Tell me what's wrong. I can't help if you don't tell me"
"It's nothing. I'm being stupid." He said quietly.
"It's not nothing if it's upsetting you Ryan" I pointed out.
"Look I'll tell you later. Let's go back to the game" He sighed.

I dropped it. I knew i wasn't going to get anything out of him if I kept pestering. It was just the way he was. The rest of the game went rather smoothly. Luckily none of the other dares involved anyone kissing each other. Around 11, we all decided to go to bed, as we had to be up early the next morning. I waited for everyone to leave the room, before shutting the door and crawling into bed next to Rye. He was already in bed with his eyes clsoed, obviously exhausted.

We layed in silence, the only sounds were our breathing and the other guys moving around in their rooms. Eventually, everything went quiet. Without realising, I had started tracing shapes on his arm.

"Rye," I asked in a small voice. He hummed and shuffled slightly so he was facing me. "What was wrong earlier? And don't say it was nothing". He sighed.

"I got jealous. And quite honestly why shouldn't I? Look at you Andy. You're absolutely stunning. You could literally do so much better than me. And the other boys are far more attractive than me, so I guess I'm worried about losing you. I'm being really selfish I know, but I don't think I can honestly bare losing you"

"Rye...don't say that. I love you. You and only you. You're perfect to me. I promise you. You won't lose me to anyone, espically one of the other boys. I don't know where you got this idea that you are anything less than perfect" I said, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss on his lips.

Even in the dark, there was no mistaking the huge smile the spread across his face.
"I love you so much" He whispered, burying his face into my hair. I smiled softly and cuddled into his chest, quickly falling asleep.


Hi Guys

So, there's a lil bit of sad news. 

This book may be coming to a close soon. I've loved writing it, but i'm starting to run out of ideas and i dont want to make this boring for you guys. I think I will either stop at 15 or 20. Depending if i get inspiration. 

I want to thank all of you for the support you have shown me on this book. We have 1.8k reads, over 170 votes and nearly 90 comments. And thats insane to me. I can't thank you enough.

However, once this one ends I will be starting a new book. It is another Randy book. And it's a highschool AU. I've already started writing the first chapter, but i'm not revealing what it's called until this book ends. Just keep an eye out. 

I don't know what else to say. Except Thank You. Thank you so much


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