Squirming - Moxiety

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"Baby boy, come on, you're being so good for daddy." Patton's voice is soft and slightly muffled as he talks into Virgil's hair. Virgil's in his lap, knees either side of his thighs, and his hands grab at Patton's cardigan. Patton's own hands are splayed out on Virgil back, his baby boy dressed in nothing but a grey sweater and his diaper, his paci half hanging out of his mouth as he whines and shifts again.

Patton could tell his baby was uncomfortable, all squirmy and wriggly in his lap. He asked a few things, trying to see what was wrong, Virgil shook his head to all but one. His baby boy needs to pee. So, obviously, his baby holds it until he can no more.

"Go on, baby boy, you can go. Daddy's here for you, I'll clean you up really good after, promise." The combination of Patton's words and his hand on his bladder does it, Virgil tucks his head into Patton's neck as he lets go, relaxing his body against his daddy's.

"Oh, such a good boy, V. You're doing so well for daddy."

"Thank you, daddy."

"Should we get you all clean now, baby boy?"


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