Praise Kink - Moxiety

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"You're so pretty," Virgil mutters unconsciously, smiling a little when Patton flushes a dark red at his words. He's sitting atop of Patton, his boyfriend's cock deep inside him, but he doesn't move, he wants to savour this moment a little longer. He watches Patton's blush spread down his chest a little, flustered by Virgil's gaze and his words.

Virgil just smiles again, fond and cute, "love you, Pat." And Patton smiles in a way that makes his eye corners crinkle, "I love you too." Virgil licks his lips as he smiles, bending down to kiss Patton softly, trailing kisses down his body until he can no more. "Fuck. Look at you," Virgil breaths out, hips shuffling a bit and then he's very aware of Patton's cock buried deep inside of him and he can't hold back a small moan that escapes his lips. Patton groans too, low and needy, and Virgil thinks it's beautiful.

"You sound so good, love," Virgil get out before he's grinding his hips, slightly moving off of Patton's cock before grinding back down, his eyes barely staying open, but he won't miss this sight. The sight of Patton there, underneath him, flushed and blissed out.

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