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  Crookshanks is probably the most theorized about the cat in the universe. Hermione's pet has been the subject of much speculation in the Harry Potter world, with a number of ideas circulating about his mysterious background. Some of the craziest? That he is actually a reincarnation of Harry's mother Lily Potter, as evidenced by their matching red hair and green eyes and the cat's detestation of Ron's mouse Scabbers, AKA Peter Pettigrew. states that Crookshanks isn't Lily, but he did belong to her. It is revealed in Deathly Hallows that Harry's mom had a cat, and, some readers believe that after Lily's cat disappeared during Voldemort's attack on the Potter house, he eventually made his way to Hermione. The last isn't exactly a theory anymore, (although the post has since disappeared), but many astute fans believed long before she admitted it that Crookshanks was half Kneazle, a breed of incredibly smart magical cats. This helps to explain Crookshanks' looks, since Kneazles have tails like lions, and also explains his reaction to Scabbers, who, Crookshanks, being the smart cat that he is, would have known immediately was a fraud.  

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