Chapter 5; just us

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Vernon Hills , Illinois
    June 17 , 2016

Liza's POV ;
This morning I woke up kinda early. I laid in bed for a while and got on my phone . I checked snap chat and I saw that on Gabbie's story she posted a picture of her and Zane eating breakfast together this morning . It was so cute . Then I finally decide to get up and I head down stairs . My mo wasn't in the kitchen or the living room. I then decided to text her

Mom ❤️💋

Liza ; hey mom where are you and dad ?
Mom; I'm helping Gabbie's mom with baking sweets for a bake sale tomorrow . And your dads flight got canceled so he decided to stay a little bit longer in Houston .


I open up the fridge door and I get me a fruity cup and eat it on the counter . Afterwards I went up to my room and into my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw myself . My hair was a mess from me sleeping on it . I was in a red shirt and grey shorts . I decide to re do my ponytail and do a little makeup . I applied my eyebrows , some foundation ,and some mascara . I then looked back at my self and I decide to leave my hair down . It was really curly and I loved it . I walked out of the bathroom and on to my bed . I got on my computer and looked at some youtube videos . Shortly after the door bell rung . I first checked my phone to see it was only 11:55am .  I got up and headed down stairs and I opened my front door . Their stood David . He looked up when I had opened the door. " hey" he says " hey" I reply quietly . I don't really know what to say to him . I'm not mad at him but I'm upset . I know it's just a middle name and I feel stupid for getting upset about it . But I feel like if he really loves me and cares about me then he would know it . " Liza I'm sorry for not knowing your middle name . I knew it started with a 'S' but I jut wasn't sure" he said . I the grabbed his arm and pulled him to me . And we kissed . His soft lips on mine . We both then pulled back . " it's okay David " I say with a smile . And he smiles back " shit Liza you kissed me and your dads probably in the other room " he says quietly " relax , my dad is staying in Houston for s couple of days and my moms helping Gabbie's mom with the bake sale that's happening tomorrow " I say and a look of relief goes across his face " wanna come in ?" I asked and he nodded . He walked in and we headed up to my room . " hey do you want to do a video for my channel ?" He asked me as I closed the door behind him " sure !" I say happily . We decide to do the guess the childhood theme song challenge . He got really happy when the Drake and Josh theme song came on . " Babe you don't know how much I love Drake and Josh !" he says happily and I laughed " maybe one day you'll meet them " I say " yeah right . They are big in LA while I'm small in Vernon Hills " " Dude do you not see how huge you and the guys are doing in Youtube & Vine ?" I asked shockingly " we all might be in Vernon Hills now but just watch y'all will become some type of famous " I say and he smiles . " Liza your funny and everything you should start a YouTube channel " he says with a serious look " i don't know babe , maybe " I say . Like I am doing huge on vine and a lot of people say they want to see more of me . So maybe I should
( A/N; idk if I already said this but They all do vine and now Liza is thinking about starting to do a YouTube channel . If I did or didn't say already . I keep forgetting if I already said something about it or not . Lol, but yeah Liza might get a YouTube channel in this story )

So me and David just hung out together for the rest of the day . I didn't tell my mom he was over while I was home alone . So around 8pm when she got home I snuck him out my window . " good old times are coming back ?" David says while standing on the little roof that was a inch or 2 under my window. " yeah, just text me before you come over though " he says . He then climbed down my window and starts to walk down the drive way . " Hey?" I yell and he turns around " good night skater " I say " good night stalker " he say back before running down the road .

Time lapse to later that night

Later that night after I ate dinner with my mom and We watched a movie . We both headed to bed . I checked the time and saw it was almost midnight . As I laid in bed wide awake trying to go to sleep my phone goes off . It's a message from David .

David |S|💍❤️
David ; you still up too ?
Liza ; yeah can't go to sleep
David ; well then open your window so we can go to sleep .😏

I smiled and turned to face my bay window and I saw his shadow . I first get up quietly and go and open my window ." Hey baby " he says and we couldn't help but laugh " shhh , I don't know if my moms asleep " I say as I close the window behind him ." Well go check " he says and I tip toe to my bedroom door . I walk down the hall and across to the 2nd door and I opened it . My mom was fast asleep because she was already sleeping on her stomach . She does that when's she really knocked out . I close her door back and I go back to my room . I close and lock the door behind me but when I walked in I didn't see David " D?" I whispered . I then saw him come out of the bathroom " babe your lotion smells really good " he says and I start to laugh " thanks babe , but my moms fasts asleep . Then after that we both get in bed and go to sleep . His arms wrap around my waist and I fall to sleep in his arms . Which I loved

Total words :1093

Sooooooooooooo, y'all should know that I'm a huge YouTube fan . Like I love Logan and Jake Paul , David and his whole vlog squad , Elton Castee and TFIL; San and Colby, and Corey Scherer. So I have a fan account for them on insta . So yeah please go check it out . It has video clips from the YouTubers I listed above . And also please let me know if y'all are fans or any of the YouTubers I listed above . Well other then the vlog squad because this book is about it 🤣. So yeah let me know if y'all are fans of them . Because maybe one day I'll write a book about them .
Until next time guys and girls 💗

 Until next time guys and girls 💗

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