Chapter 25: seventeen

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Vernon Hills, Illinois
July 23 2017
Time : 12pm
Liza's POV;

Today is David's 17th birthday . We all tried to plan him a surprise party but Dom accidentally told him about it three days ago . The party was around five so I decided to get dress so I can decorate the place .

I walked over to my closet that I shared with David and I put on a black dress that David got me the other day and some cream color sandals. David told me that he wanted my hair to be down naturally today so I did as told . I then decided to hurry up and do my naturally makeup look while Faith was still asleep .

I then made my way back into the bedroom and noticed David wasn't their . I walked out of our room and I walked to the office door . I lightly knocked and I stood their waiting for a reply . A couple seconds later I hear David say " come in " I open the door and stood in the doorway . David looked over at me from his desk , his dudes scanned me up and down then back to my face " you look beautiful babe " he compliments me and I give him a turn " thanks " I say as I walk over and kiss him on the cheek ." You said you have a outfit for Faith tonight ?" I ask and he nods " it's hanging in her closet . I think you'll love it " he said with a smile and I gave him one back . I walk out of his office and into Faiths room . She was awake in her crib just looking up at the ceiling "Hi babygirl " I say as I pick her up and smell her. I took her to her hanging table and put her into a fresh diaper . I let her lay their as I walked to her closet . I saw her new outfit hanging their . It was a black that ended at her thigh . It had a black tutu and some black socks . I chuckled to myself as I went her in it .

Once I was down David came into her room and looked at her . " aww I knew it would fit " he said as he grabbed her and kissed her cheek . " I'm guessing we're matching tonight ?" I ask and he laughs " of course we're going to be family goals !" He said as he rocked her in his arms . " well Gabbie , Kristen and Corinna will be over soon to help decorate " I say and he nods " I'll watch Faith " he tells me and I nod .

Soon the door bell rings and I open it and their are the girls . " Hey we have everything " Gabbie says as I let them into the house and I nod " let's start with the back yard area " I tell them as I open the sliding door to the patio . We blow up some floats for the pool , set up some fairy lights , blow some balloons .

We then head inside and start getting everything else ready . We had Chuck Fil A cater enough food and drinks for everyone . Soon everyone arrived for the party . All of David's siblings were in the pool disowning around , Zane , Heath , Scott and Todd were in the pool . Alex , Carly and Erin loved holding the baby's . Soon we all gathered around for David's cake . Which was a picture of him through out the years . Everyone cheered after he blew the candles out . Everyone eating food and cake and talking amounts themselves .

As I was holding holding Faith . I could tell by the face she made that she just pooped " Did she just ?" Alex asked and I nod " Don't worry I'll go change her " Carly cheerfully says . I thank her as she takes Faith out of my hold . Soon Rachel and Olivia arrive . They had went to Houston for a little bit and brought back their boyfriends :

(AN: I realized I think in the first book I messed up the order of Liza's sisters . And I don't remember clarifying it with y'all . But in order it's : Rachel , Olivia , and Liza . In the book Rachel is 23 , Olivia is 20 and Liza is 17)

Rachel's boyfriend name is Ken . He's 24 , and they have been dating for 5 years . And Olivia's boyfriends name is Zack . They have been dating ever since Liv was 16 .

Soon after everyone ate it was time for the presents . I got David a new camera , His mom got him more black hats which he asked for . It made everyone laugh . After all the presents David  wanted to give a speech .

"I just want to say thank you to everyone ! I love you all soooo much ! I don't know what my life would be like with out all of y'all in it . Thank y'all for letting me torture you for the vlog "

" you just want Views! " Zane says and everyone laughed

" yeah your right " David said which made us laugh even more

" I want to thank my friend and family for being here for me ! To my mom , dad and stop mom for supporting me with vlogging . Too all my crazy siblings : Logan , Ester , Sara, Addison, Toby , Jackson , and Hazel . Ill let y'all fight about who's the favorite . And I have a speech for my beautiful girlfriend , Liza "

When he said that everyone said ' aww' . He reached his hand out to me and I take it and he pulls me close .

" Liza , your the first ever girl who I knew liked me back 100% . When I first saw you on the first day of school I was like 'god who is she . She's so beautiful ' you can even ask the boys about that . Even though I was with Georgia at the time . I just couldn't get you out of my mind . I wanted to make you mine and soon I did . I instantly knew I loved you from when we hung out and I got to know you even more . Even that one night I snuck you out of your house-uh oh sorry Mr.Koshy"

David says and everyone laughs . We all turned to my dad and he seemed a little bit mad but it soon went away " It's fine boy " he says

" So then at the County Fair almost 2 years ago I asked you, Liza to be my girlfriend . I knew that I loved you so much that I had to make this all right . That I couldn't mess up or hurt you , not once . Because if I ever did I knew I'd be disappointed in my self for doing it . You deserved the world and I want you to be treated like a queen . Then the bad thing happened to us and our friends . But I always told you that's ' everything is going to be okay ' and to ' have faith ' And then on June 12th you brought our beautiful girl into this world : Faith Evelyn Dobrik . And now y'all mean everything to me . I get to protective you both .
Then I soon realized everything that's was going on . As if it was a sign . "

" I realized how much I love you then before , how much I care about you and Faith , and how much I'd hurt if anything happened to the both of you . And how I don't want to Liza with you two girls in my life . So with that being said ."

"Everyone then gasped and awed as david got down on one knee .

" Elizabeth Shaila Koshy ,will you marry me?"

My eyes widen in shock and I could feel the tears in my eyes

" Yes David , yes I'll Marry you !"

And with that being said I jumped in his arms and everyone cheered . The tears started to pour down my face he kissed my cheek and we pulled away . He then out the beautiful diamond on my ring finger . Alex then handed me Faith so she could be by us during this moment .

In this moment . I couldn't be more than happy .

Total words :1328

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