Chapter 10: Underground

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Back to the present
Liza's POV ;

I suddenly won't up to the sharp pain in my back . I slowly sat up "ow" I said quietly . My vision was blurry and I couldn't make out things . I rubbed my eyes and everything went clear . I saw body's laying around I quickly noticed one of them . It was David's. I quickly crawled over to him " David , David wake up " I say as I shake him and he quickly sits up ." Babe are you okay ?" He asked and I nodded "

5 minutes later

" Please tell me this isn't  real " Kristen said while looking around " it can't be " Gabbie adds " I think so" I reply " how long has it been ?" Zane added " I don't no " Todd replied " some one had to know though right ?" Kristen asks " someone has to know what ? That we are missing and have been kidnapped " I said with a heavy breathe. I pull my knees up to my chest and a lay my head down , wrapping my arms around my legs as I start to cry . I could hear Kristen crying also but loudly . Then out of nowhere we hear a loud bang . We then hear footsteps and in walks three men . We all backed away from them as they entered the middle of the room . " Why are we here !?" Zane stupidly asked . " well let's just say me and my friends here are getting paid a good amount of money to bring you all too some people " the man in the middle says with a smirk . An evil one . I couldn't help but break down . David wrapped his arm around me . I looked up at him for a quick second . I could tell in his eyes that he was scared, but he just didn't want to show it . " oh so we have couples in here ?" The man asked seeing that David had his arms around me . " Ima guess please don't tell" he says playing like " you the one with the dark brown hair is dating the rich blonde " he says talking about Todd and Corinna " you with the purple and blue streaks of hair are dating him . " he said while pointing at Zane " I'm guessing your Scottish or something with the hair ?, but your dating the dirty blonde . And you too . Y'all are divergent wow ." He says shocked like talking about David and I . " give V a call I'm pretty sure he will like this " the main man said and one of the guys behind him went to make a phone call . " V said he's ready for them " the guy said while coming back from making the phone call . Soon some other men walking in , out a bag over our heads and tied our hands . Then escorted us somewhere else . They then helped us into a van and we left .

David's POV ;

We had been kidnapped . Not knowing if anyone knows were missing or not . We were sitting in a van with bags over our heads and our hands tied up . We had been driving for what feels like 6-7 hours . Their was no telling where we were going . Soon the van went to a halt. I then heard doors open and close . Then the van doors open . We were moved into a building and we went down some stairs . We were placed into a room where they u tied our hands put kept our hoods over our heads on . When then hear them leave and a door slam . I immediately take off my hood and everyone else did also . Liza came over to me and hugged me " I thought they took y'all away from me !" She yelled as she went to hug everyone else . We all kinda looked around until Scott stared at a door "what is it ?" Todd asks " theirs someone over their " he says while pointing " hello ?" Gabbie says while looking . Then the out came four people . Two girls and two boys . " don't be scared . We're not one of them " one of the guys says . He looks to be our age with hair that's looks both blonde and light brown . " what's your names ?" Zane asks " I'm Jason and this is my girlfriend Trisha . And this so Josh and his girlfriend Paige " he said . " wait as in Josh Peck ?" Kristen asks she josh nods " you know him ?" Scotty asks " yeah not like that though . He's been on the news . You went missing with your girlfriend Paige O'Brien about a month ago " she says " yeah that's us " Paige says sadly " But I what about you two?" Kristen asks Jason and Trisha " we were brought here a week ago from Boston " He says as they sit down in front of us " wait Boston? Where are y'all from ?"Liza asks  New York, New York " Paige says . I felt shocked and confused all at once " what about y'all ?" Trisha asked " where from Vernon Hills , Illinois " I say and their eyes widen . And a look of shock and confusion is all over their face now . " then where are we ?" Corinna asks " I don't know . I've been trying to find that out " Josh says " I used to think we were close to New York or Boston but now I don't know . " Jason adds . " what have they done with y'all since you've been here ?" Gabbie asks " These people are crazy . It's a couple. An old white woman and man . They call Jason and Josh their "sons " and that we are their "wives " . They asks us "when are we going to have their grand children " all the time " Paige says " then even make us have sex when we don't want too" Trisha adds . Then before I know it a door is being unlocked and a man and women walk in . " Hello sons " the man says as Jason and Josh go up and shake his hand " Jason and Joshy we have have new siblings for you " she says as she comes too me , Gabbie , And Corinna .
" kids introduce your selfs . Don't be shy "  she says . " um I'm David " I say nervous like " Corinna " "Gabbie " they say " and is Gabbie short for anything ?" The man asks " Gabrielle " Gabbie adds " beautiful , now introduce your husbands and wife " She adds z I look confused like them I realize what they are talking about . I then get nudged in the back by Jason and he widen his eyes ." Um this is my wife Liza " I say as I walk over to Liza and hold out my hand . She nervously takes it and I walk back over to the man and woman . " H-hi" Liza say as she shakes the man and woman's hand . I then saw that Jason and Josh gave Todd and Scotty a glance and they walk over too . They are a nervous wreck . " this is my husband Scotty" " and mine is Todd " Corinna and Kristen say and they shake their hands . " well  it's nice meeting my daughter and sons in law " she says " I'm sorry we are being so rude . I'm Vincent . V or Vince for short and this is Winnie Monroe . And if you like y'all can call us mom and dad " he said " Jason and Josh can show y'all your rooms and we will see you tomorrow morning  ." Winnie says as they leave carefully watching their backs .
" w-w-what the hell was that " Kristen stutters . " That's what I was saying . They think we're their kids . Now y'all too . " Paige says " And if you don't follow along neither he whole "act" thing . Theirs punishment " " what type of punishment ?" Today asks " I've went a week with out food " Jason says and I hear some gasp . " well let's show you your rooms " Trisha says and we follow them done a hall .

Liza's POV ;

We went down a hallway and into a room . Which was a huge kitchen . Three fridges with freezers under it . Two stoves with burners on top . And 3 microwaves ." Well this is the kitchen " Jason says as she leans against the counter . Their were about 10 stools around the counter . " next is the rooms " Paige says as we go down a hallway " here is three rooms out of a lot  . " Josh tells us " how many are their ?" I ask " I've counted 10 on this hallway so their no telling in total " Trisha says . My eyes widen " y'all can choose your rooms . Y'all have a bathroom in their but theirs also a big room with bathrooms in it also . " Jason spoke . " it's really late . We all should head to bed " josh says " well show y'all around the rest in the morning " Paige says " and outside your doors is this white board . Write your names on the door so we know who's is who's " Trisha adds and we nod " good night " they say and we say it back .

David's POV;

We enter a room which I share with Liza . It had a white bed in it with white night stands on both sides .Grey and blue bedding on the bed . Their was a desk in it as well and a dresser . We entered the bathroom which looked like a bathroom that would be in a master bedroom . Their was a walk in closet and a vanity. Liza looked in the closed and dresser drawer. I could tell she was looking for clothes or something to wear . She then sat on the bed and I sat beside her . " Liza ?" I say . She looks at the ground and starts to breathe heavy . She soon starts to cry and I quickly wrap my arms around her and hold her . I could tell she was scared , nervous , worried , confused . And everything else just like everyone else . I was too. But I wasn't about to show her because I had to be brave for her . So she could be brave as well .
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