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"Kat, come here and look at this." My best friend Alex called over to me pointing at a poster of our recently famous best friend, Nash Grier. Alex, Nash, and I have been best friends since we were in diapers. Our parents were friends in high school and when they all had kids around the same age, they wanted to do play dates and ever since Nash, Alex and I have been inseparable. Well, until recently, Nash became "vine famous" and started doing an event with other viners. An event called magcon. 

It's been 3 months since we had seen Nash. We barely even talk to him anymore because he is so busy. He wanted us to come to one of the shows when he first started, but after that never said another word about it. This sorda broke my heart, Nash and I are closer than him and Alex. I've also had a crush on him for years, but now that he is "famous" he will soon forget about us or never have time for us. I'm gonna lose him. I've talked to him maybe once this month and that was for 5 minutes before he had to go to another meeting. 

Thinking about these past 3 months and how much my life has changed because of these three months caused me to break down and cry. Alex knew how much Nash meant to me, and now I'm rarely gonna see him, we will move on with our lives and never do the things we planned to do. He will get a model girlfriend, get big in movies, go on tv shows, fulfill his dream. Don't get me wrong, I'm so proud of him, so happy for him, it's a bitter-sweet feeling really. The pain just gets to me. This is the first time I've broken down really. I've tried to hide it as much as possible, but each day I've become weaker and now I just can't be strong anymore. 

I look at Alex, her mouth is wide open, her eyes fixed on something behind me, her eyes begin to fill with tears. 

"Alex, what is it?" My voice full with concern. She didn't say a word, she just pointed into the same direction she was staring. Causing me to turn and look. There I see, the boy who holds my heart and doesn't know it. My best friend who has a small smirk on his face. Running towards me with his arms open and soon wrapped around me. I hug him for a few minutes, letting my tears that I've held in for 3 months out. 

After hugging Nash for a few moments, I finally look at him. Grabbing his cheeks, squishing them together and stretching them in a funny way.

"Are you sure you're real or am I dreaming again?" I said with a smile

"So you've been dreaming about me?" He answers with a smirk. 

"Don't act like you haven't dreamed about my beautiful face while you've been gone." I said trying not to show that I wanted to cry again from happiness.

Nash didn't have time to answer when a brown haired boy walks up beside Nash, putting his hand on Nash's shoulder.

"Are you gonna introduce me or what?" The brown haired boy asks Nash

"Oh right, Alex, Kat, this is my friend Cameron," 

'Cameron Dallas" Cameron sticks his hand out for us to shake it. I was first and then Alex. I look over at Alex and it was like she was hypnotized. Then I follow her gaze and see Cameron is looking at her the same way. 

"Alright, you two, y'all can get to know each other at dinner. That is if you wanna go?" Nash says turning to me as he says the last part

"Why would I wanna go to dinner with someone who didn't talk to me for three months." I said jokingly. Obviously Alex didn't hear the joking tone in my voice because she shot her head to me. But Nash cut in before I could tell her I was only joking

"So, I can make up not talking to you for three months and tell you how much I've missed you" Nash smiles at me

"Hmm" I say pretending to think about it. "I guess I will go." 

Alex had a sense of relief and her and Cameron started walking out the store. Nash pulled me back behind them.

"By the way, I did dream about that beautiful face while I was gone." Nash whispers in my hear and then casually keeps walking, while I stop in my tracks. Did Nash have the same feelings for me? No, he just missed me, we were really close. 

"Are you coming?" Nash looks at me with a smirk on his face. 

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