Chapter 8

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Nash, Cam, Alex, and I were in our shared hotel room, deciding who shared a bed with who. Cameron and Alex wanted to share a bed and yes, me and Nash have slept in the same bed before, we just didn't know how Nash's dad would feel about that. 

I laid down on the bed, I didn't care who slept with me. Whether it was Nash or Alex, personally I perfered Nash because I could cuddle and it not be awkward. 

We got here a day early so we wouldn't have to worry about everything all in one day. It was about 10 a.m. when we got to the hotel. 

"Kat, you can't go back to sleep." I heard Nash's voice as he grabs my waist and throws me over his shoulder.

"Nash, where are you taking me?" 

"Downstairs to get something to eat. No one knows we are here yet and you need to wake up. Plus, I want to spend time with you before the rest of the boys get here. Now do you want me to carry you all the way down there or would you rather walk?" Nash answered. Laughing at the end

"Would you give me a piggy back ride?" I said smiling innocently at him as he set me to my feet.

"You know I can't resist that smile." He gave me a cheeky smile and kneeled down considering he was a foot taller than me. 

I jumped on his back and laid my head on his shoulder. 

"I don't understand why you're so tired, Kat." Nash said with humor linked in his voice

"Well, maybe its because you kept me up until 3 a.m. and we had to get up at 7." 

"I'm sorry. Tonight, I will let you go to bed as early as you want and we can cuddle all night." He said putting me down as we walked closer to the restaurant. 


It was about 7 p.m. when the last of the boys arrived at the hotel. We were going out to dinner in 30 minutes, so I was currently getting ready. I haven't met any of the boys yet. Nash wanted to wait until everyone was here. I have to make a good first impression right? 

"Knock, knock" Nash says walking into the bathroom, where I am curling my hair. 

"You look very beautiful." He said smiling, making me blush. 

"Well, you look very handsome" I say as I finish the last curl.

We walked downstairs to meet the rest of the family. The first boys to see me were Jack Gilinsky, Sam Wilkinson, Matt Espinosa, and Carter Reynolds. I was really the shy kind of girl, so I tried to keep my head down as much as possible. That was until Nash put his arm around my waist. 

"Hey guys, I would like you to meet my best friend Kat." Nash said causing me to look up and smile. All the  boys came up to me and introduced themselves and hugged me. 


After dinner, we all decided to hang out in Matt and Carter's room. It was about 10 minutes of silence, when Jack J suggested we do truth or dare. We didn't have anything else to do, so of course we did

Jack J started it since it was his idea, then Aaron, then Carter, and finally it was to Taylor. 

"Kat, truth or dare?" 

"Dare." I said confidently

"Alright, I dare you too..... kiss Gilinsky" My heart dropped when I heard those words, I knew how Nash was when he was angry. But, why would he be angry. I'm just his best friend. We aren't together and Gilinksy was pretty hot. 

I stood up from where I was sitting next to Nash, and walked over to Gilinsky. Grabbed his face and kissed him. I walked back over to Nash, he wouldn't look at me. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Nash, I'm tired. Can we go back to the room and cuddle?" I whispered in his ear. He still ignored me. I was on the verge of tears, I didn't think he would get mad. 

"Hey guys, I'm tired. So, I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see y'all tomorrow." I said getting up. I wasn't really gonna go to bed, I just didn't want everyone to see me cry. 


I was in my room about 15 minutes, when I heard someone come in. I was in the bed crying, but when I heard someone come in, I pretended to be asleep. 

"Kat, it's me. Get up. I know you're not asleep." Nash said sitting at the foot of the bed. 

"What do you want?" I said trying to hold back the tears

"Look, I'm sorry I ignored you. I was just angry. I didn't want to make a scene so I had to hold it in. I knew the real reason, you were leaving, I just needed to calm myself down before I came and talked to you." Now, I could see the tears flood my eyes, but I still held them back

"Nash, why were you mad. I didn't do anything!" I yelled getting frustrated.

"Kat, don't you get it. I love you, I always have loved you and seeing you kiss Gilinsky, it felt like I was getting stabbed repeatedly. I never told you because I knew you didn't feel the same way. I didn't want to lose you forever, Kat." Here they go , here comes the tears, but this time happy tears. 

"Nash, kiss me." I said smiling, tears falling down my cheeks

"What?" He was surprised

"I said kiss me." The second time he didn't hesitate. His lips were so soft and warm, I felt like I was suppose to be there. I was suppose to kiss him.

"Nash, I've been in love with you for years. I never thought you felt the same." I said as we broke away from the kiss. He smiled and pulled me into a hug and laid down.

"I promised you that we would go to sleep and cuddle all night, and I'm not breaking it." He said pulling the covers over us. 

"Wait, Kat, I forgot to ask you something!" Nash said as I was jsut about to fall asleep. 

"What did you forget? I said rolling over and facing him. 

"Kat, will you be my girlfriend? I don't want to risk losing you again." 

"Yes Nash, and you never lost me. I've always been yours." I said closing my eyes smiling.

Nash gave me a quick kiss before we cuddled together as close as we could and fell asleep. 

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