Chapter 11

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It's been a week since I sprained my ankle and Nash has barely let me get out of bed. Cam, on the other hand, let's Alex do whatever she want. He just has to stay by her side. I love the fact the boys are overprotective but Nash is going overboard.

"Hey Kat, are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?" Nash says sitting on the bed

"Nash I'm fine, but I wanna go see the show tonight!" I said laying my head in his lap giving him a pouty face. 

"Kat, I.. I don't know. What if you get hurt again." Nash says hesitantly

"The whole point of me coming with you is for me to go and see places! Not sit in a hotel room!" I said getting a bit annoyed

"You're right, sweetie." Nash says playing with my hair

"Jack G actually had someone he wanted us all to meet tonight and thats why I came up here." He said 

It didn't take me but 2 seconds to get up and crawl to he end of the bed and grab my crutches, ready to get out of this hotel room. 

Though Nash was scared about the idea, he just helped me and stayed by my side. 

We walked into the room MAGcon was going to be held and everyone was in a crowd around Jack G, and some girl with brown hair and blonde highlights. 

 "Nash, Kat! There is someone I want you to meet!" Jack said walking over to us with his fingers intertwined with the girl's. 

"Guys, this is my girlfriend Haley. We have been talking for a few months now. She is from Omaha, I didn't wanna tell anyone about her until it was official and we made it official about a week ago!" Jack G said with the biggest smile on his face. He seemed truly happy. 

"Hi Haley, I'm Kat!" I said with a big smile. 


Nash let me stay for the show thank god. 

It wasn't until the middle of the show when something went wrong. I need to go to the restroom and my crutches were on the wall and I couldn't reach them. Everyone was on stage, they were having some kind of dance battle so no one could help me. I really had to go, so I decided to try to hop to my crutches. That didn't work. I ended up falling and one of the fans saw it and screamed my name. Which brought Nash's attention to where I was suppose to be sitting and seen me on the floor. He ran over to me. 

"Kat, are you okay! What happened?!" He said helping me up as Matt grabbed my crutches for me. 

"I had to use the restroom, I couldn't hold it and I tried hopping, but as you can tell it didn't work to well." I said trying to calm him down letting him know I wasn't hurt. 

"Never do that again. This is why I didn't want you to come to the show. You could've gotten hurt worse." Nash said. I knew he was trying to be sweet but I wasn't a child. I was fine. 

"Whatever, I'm going upstairs. Matt will you help me?" 


I was about to fall asleep when I felt the bed dip. 

"Go away, Nash." I didn't even look who it was

"One. I'm not Nash. Two. I will not go away." Said a voice I knew too well. Alex. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"Well, Nash felt like you needed your space and we needed our time so he and cam are sleeping with Matt and Carter tonight." She said with a smile

"You told them to sleep in there tonight didn't you?" 

"Okay, yes I did. But I know you better than Nash. He didn't think you were mad at him. I had to tell him you were." She said laughing \. 

Just then there was a knock at the door, Alex got up to open it.

"What are you doing here?" She said in a hateful voice.

When the person on the other side of the door answered I could barely hear them so I couldn't make out who it was.

"I don't know if she would want you here." I hear Alex answer

I had an idea of who it was then... Nash. Probably, trying to get me to forgive him and just go right back to treating me like a child. 

"Kat you have a visitor. Can he come in?" Alex called for me

At this point I didn't care anymore.

"Sure, why not." I answered expecting to see Nash, but instead it was Taylor.

"I figured us broken people needed to stick together." He said referring to his newly broken arm again. 

"Oh hush Caniff." Alex said laughing. Me joining in with her. The first time I laughed since my fight with Nash. 

"Well, even though you are being mean." Taylor said mainly reffering to Alex. "I brought your favorite movies, chocolate, and popcorn." He said with a smile.

"Taylor, if I didn't know any better, I would say you were my gay bff." I said laughing. 

"Shush! Don't reveal my secret!" He said in a hushed tone. 

"Shut up and put the movie in!" I say sitting up on the bed. 


By the time morning hit, 3 other people joined us. Haley, Jack J and Jack G. The boys slept on Cam and Alex's bed, and the girls slept in mine and Nash's bed. 

We were all dead asleep until I heard a thud. I open my eyes and see Nash picking up my crutches. 

"You know, you can hand those to me instead of making them fall." I said in a hushed tone trying not to wake the others. He looked at me in shock and handed me my crutches. 

"Wanna go have breakfast?" I said. 

He just nodded. 

He didn't say anything until we were sitting at our table.

"Kat, I'm really sorry. I just care about you alot. I don't want you getting hurt. Espcially because of me. I felt terrible that my fans hurt you. That I didn't take care of you. I'm your boyfriend I need to be about to protect you and I didn't do my job right!" He said looking down

"Nash I understand you want to protect me. But I'm not a child. You can't protect me from the entire world. Just promise to not be so overprotective of me!" I said grabbing his hand and smiling. 

"I promise." He said with his cute little smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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