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- Harry -

It's been three hours since my best friend was reported missing. Not only have I been devestated, but Zayn, Niall, and Liam have all been too. Where is my best friend?

"The reporters should be here any minute now." Our manager and body guard, Paul reminded us for the third time, pacing back and forth about the dressing room.

We were sitting back stage of an interview -- about to go on and report what we know to the public. That's the one thing I hate about being famous for. Is that, you never have privacy. You get all these stupid paparrazzi and reporters up in your business and that, when something happens to one of us, we have to tell them.

I'm desperately hoping that this is all just some dumb joke Louis' playing on us. That he'll jump out in front of the audience and surprise us all. I'm really hoping that this is just another fan trick, that someone kidnapped him for fun, and that he'll escape easily, with an autograph and a picture, and get home. I'm really hoping that he's okay and safe where no one will hurt him.

"Two minutes guys." One of the crew guys popped his head in, reassuring us.

"Whatever happens guys, happens." Paul spoke his words of wisdom. "I don't want you guys thinking this is all your fault. This is mine. I should have been there with Louis inside the bank, making sure no one would hurt him."

"Damn right." Niall snapped.

"I'm sorry, do you have something to say Niall?" Paul looked at him, a little shocked with the sudden anger of our Irish friend. Niall is a pretty temperamental so this is going to end just great.

"I said damn right." He repeated, huffing a laugh. "Damm right this is your fault, because if you were there with Louis, he would be here and we wouldn't be having this stupid interview!" He yells, his Irish voice deep and raging.

"Niall," Liam shushed him, "chill bro, Louis' oka-"

"Oh, what do you know!" Niall raised his voice once again, waving his hands around. I could really tell he was angry because he never gets mad at Liam. At least, not often.

"I know that wherever Louis is, he's breathing and okay." Liam fought back, a wide-eyed expression replacing his calm. He wasn't yelling like Niall, but you could tell he was shocked with Niall's tantrum.

"No you don't." Niall flipped again, standing up. "You don't know if he's breathing or if he's okay! You don't where he is or who took him!"

"Niall," I shouted over his rambling, which was probably a bad idea, but he has no right to talk to any of us like this, "dude, you need to calm down."

"Or what?" Niall taunted, with narrow eyes. "You gonna make me shut up?"

I rose to my feet. He has no right to talk to me like that. I'm just as close to Niall as Liam is. He shouldn't dare to even underestimate me, he knows better. I walked over, standing a good couple of inches taller than him. I was the tallest over all of them.

Niall, with no hesitation, shoved me hard back against the wall behind me, causing the bullentin board to shake. My head hit back against it, leaving a deathly headache grow in my head.

Paul lunged forward -- along with Liam and Zayn -- all three of them pulling Niall back and off of me. Niall fought back over the boys, attempting to break, but he was no match as they all pushed him back against the wall across the room.

"Get off of me!" Niall barked at Paul, trying his hardest to push off but Paul had a strong grip.

"Are you good?" Paul questioned him, a strong stern in his voice.

Niall hesitated a moment, breathing heavy and eyeing me, before he nodded and gulped. Paul let go slowly and Niall wiped his nose on his shirt. Scared tears brimmed the waterline of his eyes, but he turned to hide them. He trudged to the door and swung it open, viciously, storming out past the crew guy.

"It's time." The crew guy said, no questions asked. I'm guessing he was used to this kind of stuff. Anger and fear.

Paul nodded, breathing heavy, looking at me. "Are you okay?" He asked me. I nodded, trying to control my deep breathing. I swallowed against my dry throat. "Good. Watch what you say, Styles, because the next time, I will let him attack." He scolded, turning and walking out.

I looked over at the other two and sighed. "I'm sorry you guys had to see that." I apologized, they both nodded, understandingly.

In a single-file line, we all walked out onto the stage taking seats in front of the table. Niall didn't look upset anymore, but I could tell it was still burning inside of him. My headache suddenly got worse from the blinding spotlights.

This sucked, it was normally Louis who took charge of asking the first question. Now, seeing as how the guys didn't want to talk, I stepped up. "Alright, so first question?"

Hands raised in the air, I called on the one reporter in a freshly ironed suit and tie. He was young and bold looking. Stood out against the rest. "Where is your bandmate, Louis Tomlinson?"

I gulped hard against the tight knot, sweat brimmed my hairline. I licked my lips and clenched my jaw. I can't believe the other guys were making me answer this. "Our friend, Louis Tomlinson, has gone missing as of early this morning from a local bank."

I was so prepared and ready for Louis to jump out and scream, "Suprise!" But I knew he wasn't here and was nowhere near here.

Louis Tomlinson was missing. My bandmate; my friend; my best friend; my brother. He was gone. Slipped right out of our fingers, just like that. We don't know where he his, but as of what the news has told us, he was taken with a girl known as Andrea Chalmers.

I just hope he's okay. I just hope he's safe.

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