A Hero What?

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It was days before the results came back. Try as they might, there were no traces of either demigods. It was as if they didn't exist.

Tsukauchi was becoming more and more frustrated with the case of the two teens. Their DNA was half missing, the half that was there couldn't be identified, not even with each other. When answering his questions, neither had lied. He could tell that much, for his Quirk was to detect lies. Neither Percy nor Holly appeared to have any information on this world, questioning every foreign word to have come into existence since the discovery of Quirks.

That was yet another thing that confused him. Could they have been experiments? What they'd been able to gather was that both children were fifteen and twelve from the DNA samples. But the teens had confidently claimed to be seventeen and fourteen.

What is going on here?

Tsukauchi sighed. "What am I going to do with you two?" Both children, who sat on seats across from him in the children's area of the police department merely shrugged their shoulders. "You can't stay on your own, neither if you are old enough."

"But I'm sev-"

"That's not what your DNA says." Percy sighed. The detective was firm about the facts. Although if he really looked, Percy did look younger and had less control over his ability. As if his body wasn't used to having such control yet.

Tsukauchi had been given last names and still found nothing. Percy Jackson and Holly Victor. Two mysteries.

"You'll have to stay with an adult."

"Joy." Holly muttered under her breath.

"You'll have to go to school. You can't just drop your education."

"This just gets better and better doesn't it?" Percy mumbled to Holly, who nodded her head in agreement. Tsukauchi pretended not to notice.

"Given the state we found you in, I'd like to keep you with someone who can protect you if need be. So a pro hero." Tsukauchi had been over what a pro hero was and all the other main facts about this new world. "You were in pretty bad state and I can't leave you here any longer. You'll have to come with me to the next pro hero's house." The looks Tsukauchi was given showcased the teen's extreme enthusiasm at their situation. "No complaints. Car, now."


If Tsukauchi had known just how much of a hassle it would be to feet the kids in the car, he would've demanded they both sit in the back. Holly had ended up sitting in the front after a long debate. Some weird arguments had been tossed around that Tsukauchi was sure he must have heard wrong on before they switched to a language he didn't recognise when they saw him watching.

"I want you to behave okay?" He was met with silence. "Okay?"

He received a "yeah," and a "whatever."

"Seriously. Somebody needs to accept you and this guy is particularly... hot tempered."

It took them a further five minutes to arrive. They were escorted in by a woman with silver hair and the occasional red streaks. The area was huge with pathways stemming to gardens and the sound of falling water somewhere in the distance. Their were shouts of fighting  lost somewhere in the bushes. A traditional Japanese style house lay at the centre of it all. It vaguely reminded Percy of Camp Half-Blood and brought pangs to his chest.

We need to find a way home soon as possible.

"Who is it." A demanding voice that spoke of power asked.

"Father, three people are here to see you." The silver haired child replied politely. "One is a detective."

"Send them in." The voice sighed.

The door swung open.


Took me forever, but hey! Update! I sat for like five minutes trying to figure out the Pro Hero. Comment who you think it is!



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