Cities Smaller Than Olympus

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How much money do these people have again? Percy wondered to himself as he marvelled at the giant city before him. These people, him included, were more than likely just going to wreck it. Not to mention there were six other sites exactly like this one.

Percy's guide, Todoroki, had been sent to a different site so Percy was on his own. Although he supposed nobody knew where they were so he felt a little reassured with that thought in his head.

Naturally, Percy didn't recognise a single person in the area.

All of a sudden people were running for the city. When were they told to go? He stumbled at first before taking off.

The test had begun.


Percy wiped the gathering sweat off his face.

He hadn't been counting how many robots he'd taken down, but was positive it was quite a few. Percy had little trouble dispatching the robots. Water and technology went just great together. Time was almost up and robots were scarce when all of a sudden the ground began to rumble.

"What the-" something rose from the dust. Something big.

It was destroying everything in its path. People screamed as they ran from the giant robot.

That's the fourth gimmick!?

These people are insane. Percy decided. That thing could definitely kill a few people if they weren't careful.

Step in. Step in and take it down! His conscience yelled at him.

Percy started running. He passed shocked faces as he sprinted towards the gimmick.

He was the only one.

Isn't this supposed to be a Hero test?

Percy shoved his arms out to either side of him, a familiar tugging sensation in his gut occurring as he summoned as much water as possible to his area. He used it to fling him so he was level with the head of the gimmick. Balancing on its shoulder he forced the water to enter a crack in the metal and flood the system. Electricity sparked and he hissed in pain as it flew and hit him. But at least his attack had succeeded, the gimmick stumbling and falling, crashing towards the ground. Percy yelped and held on tight as the thing lurched.

It wasn't that hard to defeat considering it had almost no proper defence.

Percy received wide eyed stares as Present Mic announced the end of the test. He could hear people uttering about him behind his back. In his mind, Percy compared the gimmick to the things he had faced in the past.

Nah. That thing was way easier.

After the test there was a brief explanation as to what would happen after before he regrouped with Todoroki and they made there way back to his house. Percy was just ready to sleep, exhausted from the day's events.

Until finally two letters arrived.


An update! Hurray! I have very little to say to be honest. This chapter is really short and things are moving pretty slow but AnYwAy... thanks for reading,



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