The Nightmare Part 2

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"I am Nyx, the Primordial of the Night."

Holly gulped, forcing back the overwhelming threat of tears. "What do you want with me?"

"Hmm..." the primordial tapped her chin thoughtfully. "What do I want with you...?" She grinned, "A spy."


"A spy?" Holly gulped. She wasn't cut out for any of that sort of thing. Why would Nyx want her as a spy? Somebody who had achieved nothing great, somebody who had just dragged people into her messes and expected they would fix it. "What good would I make as a spy?"

Nyx grinned at her again. "You are insignificant. You can go unnoticed in a way somebody like Perseus Jackson could not. You are young, somebody who could slip between the cracks without ever being suspected. Because who suspects the small, innocent child?" Holly flinched. A sinking feeling was rising in her gut. There was only one person she was here with, and that was Percy Jackson. She was in a world full of people aspiring to be superheroes, with their own unique powers. Perfect soldiers for an army.

"You're the one taking people at Camp aren't you?" Holly asked, hoping she wasn't right. But of course, she was.

Nyx's cold laugh sent chills down Holly's spine. "Yes, dear. I will create an army that will topple the gods once and for all."

"You're not the first to try." Holly said defiantly.

"Perhaps not, but I will be the first to succeed." Nyx sounded so sure of her words that Holly hesitated for a moment. After all, hadn't Nyx succeeded in getting past their barriers? She had stolen half their defense and offends and made them her own. Who knew how many more she had taken in the time Holly and Percy had been gone.

Maybe even Laurel.

Holly's heart squeezed at the idea that her twin could be under Nyx's influence."What would you have me do?" She hated the words coming out of her mouth, but her sister was all she really had. Sure they fought all the time, but she didn't hate Laurel. Her twin had been with her through thick and thin. 

"You're thinking about your sister aren't you?" 

Holly jolted as Nyx spoke. Lost in her thoughts and memories, she'd almost forgotten the primordial was in the room. The demigod said nothing, her silence confirming what Nyx said. 

"I could make you a deal," Nyx said slyly, her eyes shining with malice. "If you agreed, your sister would be safe from the battle. She would join my army in the highest position I could give her. She would be right by my side at all times. Under my protection and away from the battle. When you get back you can join her. Safe as you watch the current world crumble and the new one rise. All I ask for in return is a little information, which only you are in the position to gather for me."

Holly sucked in a breath. The offer was ridiculously tempting to her. Information in return for immunity. And if she didn't accept, what if Nyx could keep her here? Keep her contained in this dream forever, drowning in the inky blackness of the night.

But could she do it?

Percy had been known to overcome the odds before. maybe he could do it again. But still, what if Laurel was killed in the bloodshed? Because of course, she would fight. She would want her share of victory, her taste of the battle.

Holly stayed silent, thinking that if she just didn't answer then eventually the dream would go away. 

But it didn't.

The minutes stretched on into hours. Hours passed with Holly squirming in discomfort as she thought about when the dream might end. Nyx said nothing, only watching her with those eerie white eyes, body shrouded in shadows. Holly found herself crying at one stage. What if she never got out of here? The thought terrified her.

"Okay fine!" 

Nyx blinked. "Okay fine, what?"

"I'll be your spy." Nyx started to move and Holly shouted, "BUT!" The primordial froze. "I have terms and conditions." She said shakily. 

"And they are?" the dark primordial inquired curiously.

"I want you to swear on the river Styx. That you'll do what you said."

Nyx bowed her head. "Of course, dear. But in return, I must ask the same of you." 

Holly nodded her head. "I, Holly Victor, swear on the river Styx that I will be Nyx's spy so long as she upholds her end of the deal." Even through the dream, Holly could hear the clap of thunder as Holly sealed her fate. 

Nyx grinned. "And I, Nyx, The Primordial of the Night, swear upon the river Styx that Laurel Victor will be by my side, safe from the battle that I seek to ignite."

There was a final clap of thunder and the deed was done.

"Now-" The primordial was cut off as suddenly the dream ended. Everything dissolved. The cell, Nyx, the shadows. She was released.

"You good?" Percy asked, his face coming into view, oceanic eyes boring into hers with concern. Holly didn't say anything, just burst into tears and clung to the older demigod. 

The dream was over. Nyx was gone. But the primordial had been talking. She'd been cut off mid-sentence, meaning she had no control over keeping Holly there. And Holly had gone and made that deal. She was so, so stupid! How could she do that!? If only the demigod had waited just a little bit longer, Holly could've resisted Nyx. She'd doomed herself and probably Percy - maybe even this entire foreign world. 

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Percy. She chanted mentally. Holly was such a fool. 

She refused to go back to sleep that night, afraid that Nyx could come back to her dreams.


My apologies guys, this should've been published yesterday, but for some reason when I hit publish, it didn't. And I only noticed this moment when I was browsing through my works. But here it is, sorry. 

What does everybody think about Holly's decision?



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