Chapter 7: Powers Activate!

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Chapter 7: Powers Activate!

He slowly went up to her and tried to throw a punch. Asher thought fast and quickly dogged it. She then used one of her powerful mind powers to weaken the guy so that his strength isn't as strong. But, this also made Asher weaker too, as she was not supposed to use that power during the day. The boy slightly tripped over and shook his head. His eyes stopped glowing, "That's it! I'm done here!" He yelled and stormed off. By the time he left, Asher noticed everyone staring at her in confused and wicked ways. Luckily, no one saw her powers, as this one was invisible.

As Asher was walking down the narrow hallway, she kept on hearing these strange noises and seeing a slight blur. Asher suddenly found herself starting to spin, or was the world spinning around her? Jake was talking to his group of friends, but then he saw Asher faint to the ground, her messy hair covering her closed, blue eyes. Jake quickly ran up to her and started to shake her gently. His friends followed him, but he told them to give her some space, they nodded and walked away. When no one was looking, Jake used one of his healing powers to wake Asher up. "Huh, what happened? Why am I on the floor?" Asked Asher quietly.

"You randomly fainted" explained Jake.

"Oh, um, I-I gotta go, see ya!" She blurted out. Asher quickly got to her feet, shook her head (making her white hair all frizzy) and took off in a flash, leaving Jake totally confused.

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