Chapter 2: Meet The Family...

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Elaine is bringing in the food whilst I talk to Karim, who is next to me. He had a big test in school today. A maths one, I think hes saying. I think the fact that his head is on the table is probably why I can't hear him so well. Its all quiet now. I wonder why. Oh, Karims fallen asleep again. Everyone else is eating, well, everyone but the twins. They seem to have vanished!

"Do you like it?" Elaine asks me as I gulp down another burning hot spoon full of leek and potatoe soup. I nod and take a sip of my orange juice to cool it down. The twins are coming back in from the kitchen now, they have some slices of bread and butter. They offer them around and I take one, popping a bite into my mouth. Seconds later my mouth is on fire! The twins must have put chilli poowder in the bread! I drink all my orange juice in under a second, but it isn't enough. I grab the jug and drink it all, spilling some over my top in the process. I look up and everyones staring at me. Trying to act casual, I take another bite out of the bread, and seconds late I am reaching for Karims glass as I have somehow finished the jug. But just Karims isn't enough! This is strong. I grab Darrend and drink it all before putting the cup down and sighing. Why couldn't I act normal? Everyone is laughing at me now. I reach for the bread, but Darren snatches it away, just as I remember again about the chilli powder in it. I'm so dumb. Darren laughs.

"We don't want you drinking Zinnias and Gladys' orange juice right now. You will be getting food like that for weeks!" Petunias sat there frowning, looking a bit confused at the whole situation. Shes so cute. Melinda grabs my hand and pulls me out the room, saving me from dying of embarrassment.

"I can't believe they did that to you! On your first meal as well!" Melinda grins. "At least no ones hurt."

"That was so embarrassing! Why did they do it?" I ask, trying not to sound hurt, and instead coming out a bit whiny. I quickly cover what I said. "Awww they're cheeky! Payback time, I guess."

"Payback" Melinda replies slowly, testing the word on her tongue.

"Yes, Mel, Payback! Wait, you don't mind me calling you Mel, do you?" I ask quickly. Making sure not to upset her in any way.

"Eh, I'd rather you called me Meli. It sounds more original." she says in a funny voice. Original. More like special. "So how are we going to get about this Janet. Or should I call you Jan?" she says sarcastically, mocking me bacuse I was shortening her name.

"Eh, I'd rather you call me JJ. It sounds more original" I squeak in a funny voice, and she giggles.

"I do not sound like that!" she protests. I nod my head

"Of course you don't...anyway, we need to find a really good prank to play on Zinnia and they won't be expecting...

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